That's a good point on Danny being faster. Yeah, now that I think about it, Danny usually does shoot ahead of Flack. (I'm talking about running. Ruuuuuunning, you pervs.Top41 said:
I think Danny might be faster. He always gets to the perp first and tackles him, but Flack never just stands back and lets Danny do the dirty work. He always jumps in after. No doubt he enjoys his Kinkapoodle's adorable feistiness but doesn't want to risk Danny getting hurt. :lol:
There was the classic Shane Casey chase scene which gave us the following magnificent screencap:

This chase scene was terrific just for Danny leaping like a frog over Flack to cuff Casey. How many times do you think Danny's had to do such leaping during their more ... horizontal grapplings? :devil: I'm sure such agility and speed will come in handy during those ... position changes. And come on, look at the way Danny's spreading those legs of his! Me thinks he's quite accustomed to doing that when he's alone with Flack, yesyes? :devil: :devil: :devil:
Then there's this chase scene from episode 3x23:

The glances and smiles they were giving each other just before the chase were adorable. Their sarcastic exchange after cuffing the perp was just as adorable.
And speaking of Danny leg spreading ...

See what I mean? :devil:
Talk about an excellent, multi-purpose technique for the guys to keep fit, healthy and very satisfied. :devil: :devil: :devil:Of course, if Danny is faster, no doubt that provides Flack with much frustration when he's chasing his wicked little Kinkapoodle around the apartment. No doubt Flack finds unexpected bursts of speed to deal with difficult times like that. :lol: :devil:![]()