Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions
Nick eulogizing his fallen friend, bursting into a flood of tears and then facing the challenge of having to be one of the pallbearers witha straight face; Catherine touching the rim of the casket and remembering the fact that she and Warrick never had a chance together (recalling how "it kinda sucks.") and Lindsey's memories of "Uncle Warrick;" Grissom - poor Grissom - somber and stoic, but with his own voice wavering as he says his goodbye; Hodges so shaken that he can't even speak and Wendy is there to comfort him; Sara borderline hysterical (and maybe, in a sense, Catherine); Brass, angry and heartbroken over the loss of Rick, but also very suspicious as he looks in the direction of the undersheriff; can't forget Ecklie, who by all accounts feels horribly; and of course, the undersheriff - there will a close-up of him, almost smirking, at the end of the episode.
You forgot Greg mentioning how Warrick helped him his first day as a CSI. When Greg came dressed in the wrong kind of attire for the job, Warrick set him straight.
As for GSR, I really hope they don't go there. As some have already said, it would take away from Warrick's situation. The episode should be about Warrick and the way the team deals with the loss of Warrick. It should not be about Grissom and Sara and a lot of people are going to peeved if it is.
And by a lot of people, I'm referring to those who are huge Warrick fans (not those who don't like GSR).
And I agree with stokesgirl. I would never have voted for GSR either. As far as ships go, I'd be in the Grillows camp cause that's where I was from the very first ep (before Sara came on the show). I liked Sara (as a character, not as a love interest for Grissom), but I think the writers did her character a great disservice by not having her apologize to Catherine for the way she went off on her regarding that husband/wife case. Catherine did NOT deserve that at all. I know Sara's had a traumatic past and all, but the writers still should have had a scene of her apologizing to Catherine instead of
only having the scene with her crying to Grissom and telling him her problems. I mean, I get the G/S scene because he's the only one she feels comfortable enough around to break down like that in front of. So, that scene made sense. But, they could have also had Sara go to Catherine and explain why she freaked out (not necessarily telling her whole life story), but something like: "I freaked out because this case hit too close to home and I'm sorry that I took that out on you." That just would have been nice to see and I think it would have kept the Sara dislike to a minimum for the most part (in general).
And I hope to goodness that the whole "Grissom and Sara try to get Sara a job as a lab tech" thing is a joke, a fanfic or a lie/rumor because it sounds really stupid for an episode IMO. Not because they'd be in a scene together (that doesn't bother me that much), but because the whole trying to get her a job as a lab tech thing is just... it seems kind of silly to me. As a fic, it'd be fine, but for an episode... not so much.
As far as GSR goes, I was grateful that TPTB never really had any lovey-dovey scenes between the two (and by the I mean lots of kissing scenes and the like) because it would have taken away from the show. I'm glad that it was more subtle than a right there in your face or shoved down your throat (like I've seen on some shows) kind of thing.
In the premiere, it would be nice for the GSR fans to have a decent scene of closure. I think the GSR fans were completely cheated out of that when Sara originally left. And I don't know about them, but if it were me with a couple I shipped, I'd be upset with that ending.
And why is Greg the only one left that Bryce could hook up with? Why couldn't she hook up with Nick? He's still single.
As for Nick and waitress: Nick is almost 38 (born in August of 1970). So a 23 year old with a 38 year old is not that big of a deal (the age of the actor is irrelevant unless the actress were under 18 which she isn't). I still don't understand why people are making such a big deal of this when this show had Grissom and Sara together and their age difference is just as big (only using this as a comparrison, not being critical about GSR). Sara is a year younger than Nick, Grissom is almost 52 (born in 1956). Both makes 15 years age difference. So, if people say that the waitress (whom someone said is 23 IRL) is young enough to be Nick's daughter, isn't it also true that Sara is technically young enough to be Grissom's daughter? Cause Nick and the Waitress have 15 years age difference (if the character is the same age as the actress) and Sara and Griss have 15 years age difference. Why when GSR isn't a big deal about age would Nick/waitress be a big deal? I just don't get this argument at all. It just leaves me sort of confused as to what the big deal is. I mean, if the show didn't have Grissom and Sara together with a 15 year age difference, maybe the Nick/waitress argument would make more sense to me, but with GSR, it just doesn't. No one is mentioning how big an age difference there is between G & S.

AGain, not saying there's anything wrong with GSR age difference, only using it as an analogy to Nick/waitress.
People are making such a big deal out of Nick and the waitress (who by the way was only on screen for all of fifteen, thirty seconds, tops) but, would there be this big a deal being made if it was the woman who was fifteen - eighteen years older than the guy? I don't believe there would be. I mean if Greg was to hook up with say Catherine for example, people would be all like "go greg". No one would be saying "he's young enough to be her son". Well, technically that's a bad analogy cause there's only 12 years age difference there (though I guess it would be possible for her to have a kid at 12 years old :lol: ), but okay lets say someone three years older than Catherine hooked up with Greg. It wouldn't be made as big a deal as the Nick/Waitress thing. The double standard really bothers me. :lol:
In case anyone is interested, here are the DOBs for both the characters and the actors:
Nick Stokes - August 18th, 1970
George Eads - March 1st, 1967
Gil Grissom - August 17th, 1956
William L. Petersen - Feb 21st, 1953
Catherine Willows - March 26th, 1963
Marg H. - Nov 16th, 1958
Warrick Brown - Oct 10th, 1970
Gary Dourdan - Dec 11th, 1966
Sara Sidle - Sept 17th, 1971
Jorja Fox - July 7th, 1968
Jim Brass - Jan 3rd, 1953
Paul Guilfoyle - July 6th, 1955
Greg Sanders - May 5th, 1975
Eric Szmanda - July 24th, 1975
Funny how only Eric is the same age as his character. :lol:
Oh, I agree with those who would like to see Wendy as a CSI. I like Lauren Lee Smith (liked her on Mutant X) and think she might work as a new addition, but I would still rather see Wendy as a CSI than a new character altogether. I'm not gonna say "they need more hot guys" cause I've got Greg (my ultimate fave) and Nick, so I'm not complaining. Plus, there's also Archie who is pretty cute himself. :lol: They need to have more Greg (and Nick for that matter) on screen and also more Archie!