Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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Anyone got the latest CSI mag? There is an interview with Marg in it. I don't have a copy yet, but I got the pages in scans. It's a nice interview, and it's also great to know that I'm not the only one who misses the early seasons. :) Check it out if you can, I think you'll like it. :)
I haven't seen it/got it. Any Marg interview is good :D I take it she misses the early seasons too then? *Goes off to try and find a copy on the net somewhere* :)
^^^^Shucks does that mean I'm gonna have to watch CSI for two more seasons? lol. But I bow down to Marg for trying to stick it out for a couple more seasons to give Catherine a decent exit on the show. Im sure all the Catherine fans appreciate that. I hope the writers would give Cath some great storylines.

Thanks E! I skimmed through the article, I think Marg gave away a spoiler in that article about what will happen to her character in the finale. So Im looking forward to the ep later. :D
I noticed Marg has been giving a lot of off the set info (spoilers, backstage dish, etc.) lately, lol. I love it. :D
Argh I really want to read the article now :( lol.

And I'm *squeeee* happy that Marg has signed up for another 2 seasons, it means seeing her every week on TV for 2 more seasons :D
Hi I don't pop in here often, but I have to say I get older, I appreciate the character of Catherine a lot more.

Oh and I love Marg!
I know what you mean Hottie but I'm happy for Marg. Let's hope they do Marg/Catherine right and start writing good episodes again where Catherine makes more than a cameo appearance.:thumbsup:
Yeh, Catherine centred episodes are the best :D And I don't think Marg would have signed if it was for smaller parts in the 2 seasons, and season 8 was/has been (from what I've heard) a bit disjointed, so I reckon it'll all get back to normal come season 9 :)
Well, I was kinda hoping Marg would only be in it for one more year. But if she's going for two, then I guess I'm also in. Hope her storylines continue to rock. :]
Bubbles, there are scans by Shane at I'm not sure if it's okay to direct-link, but you can find the scans in the gallery.

Hottie I know what you're talking about, but I thought that was what they had planned before the strike? Now that the strike has shortened the season and Gary is leaving the show, I'm not sure they'll still have that part in the season finale. We'll see in a few hours anyway. lol. And yeah I was kinda surprised that she re-signed for two more years. I expected just one. But after reading kay's comment on LJ, I think maybe I can try to be positive and look forward to Catherine's return. I'm wondering, though, about what cost them to keep her for two more seasons. :lol:

And nice to see you de-lurk, Jango. :D *hugs*
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