Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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^^^^Thanks stokesgirl she looks cute in that ad.. she seems like in a hurry she probably did that in one take, lol.

Hottie I know what you're talking about, but I thought that was what they had planned before the strike? Now that the strike has shortened the season and Gary is leaving the show, I'm not sure they'll still have that part in the season finale. We'll see in a few hours anyway. lol.
Oic, I fail at these things now, lol. We'll probably see that spoiler happen in Season 9.
I've seen the finale btw, it was riveting! Im still getting over from the shock right now I haven't seen any post-hiatus CSI ep and I didn't read spoilers :D Anyway, I'm glad to see the softer side of Catherine in the ep again.
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Ooh, thank you :D I'm so unbelievably stupid, I'd read that ;) I think because I'd heard soemthing about it before I didn't think about it as a spoiler spoiler. Silly me :)
Erica, why wouldn't we be able to direct link? lol they're just scans. (psst, you can find the interview here. ;)

I'm iffy on Marg renewing her contract. On one hand I'm happy about it, because I'll be able to watch Marg in something on a regular basis. On the other hand, I kind of want to stop watching a show that is going down hill. I promised myself I would stop watching the show after Louise left, but I did. Gah.

And I thought Marg's husband Alan was to appear this season? I guess since the shortened season, it didn't happen. Perhaps next season. :D
Thanks for the scans! Hot Marg :D Great to hear she renewed her contract for two more years. Looks like there will be season 10. :p
Season 10 would be good if some of the storylines are a bit different :) And more Marg is obviously a very good thing :)

Slightly off-topic (but not really ;)) , I was sat on my train this morning on the way to Uni, and I saw this guy (who I've seen a few times now, but I've always been too focussed on something else to think) and anyway, he sat infront of me on the table thing, and he is the spitting image of Alan! I'd swear it was Mr.Rosenberg himself if it wasn't a train in the UK to Birmingham on a Monday morning! I've seen him before and thought like yeh he does look like him, but today when all I had to think about was exams, it was just OMG it's like his twin, it's seriously scary!They are almost identical.

Anyway... I think season 9 should be good for Catherine, I'm looking forward to seeing where they're gonna take this whole thing with the casino etc.
I wonder if they'll actually bring back Alan? Wasn't there plans to do it this season? Maybe that means they'll be doing it next season :D
Well, from the early spoilers we got, the were planning to bring back Alan's character in season 8 and give Catherine a storyline, but the plan was dropped because the strike had shortened the season and the time left was too short for that. Speaking of that, there wasn't a real Cathrine-centeric episode in season 8 as far as I can remember, was there? (I don't consider A Thousand Days on Earth Cath-centeric at all. She had slightly more screentime than others and that was it.)

I'd look forward to Adam Novak's return if they consider doing that. I think Marg and Alan can pull off great chemistry on screen and to me, it seems it comes from their real life. Not every celeb couple can do that so well IMO. Some just don't seem fit on screen no matter how close and cute they really are off screen.
I agree, I think they had great chemistry in their scenes together. I mean the bar scene in Weeping Willows was the best, but even after that. I loved their scenes together, it would be really interesting to see them bring Adam Novak back again.
I heard they've changed their schedule and are shooting season 9 right now. That sounds quite possible since we have already gotten spoilers, which we don't usually do at this time of the year. Hm I wonder how Catherine is going to take Warrick's death. They were always close after all. Extra work isn't good, though. I hope Marg will get some rest after this, take a nice vacation and then come back to work refreshed. :)

Also, can't wait for her performance at this year's What A Pair!. I hope we'll get a longer video clip this time. :lol:
I know CSI:NY is filming right now so it would make sense for the other to be too. Hopefully they won't film too much, seeing as they'll probably be back in July.

I hope we get a longer clip too. Can't wait to see what she wears this year.
It would be awesome to hear a longer clip, Marg does have a good voice (from the little we've heard) :)

And I really think season 9 will be interesting, to see how Catherine reacts to thee goings on in the finale.
I'm guessing she's probably going to do jazz/blues again this year since she's still paired with Diana Harris. Can't wait to hear her sing. :)

If you live around L.A. and would like to go to the event, you can go here for tickets. The prises vary, of course. :lol:
I so wish I lived in LA, imagine how amazing it would be to be able to go :( unfortunately the UK is a little too far away...

I can't wait to hear her sing again, and I like jazz/ blues too:D
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