Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Look what I found.....Many of which apply to our dear shippy ship.
  • Eye, batting eyelashes, etc.
  • "Protean" signals, such as touching one's hair
  • Casual touches; such as a woman gently touching a man's arm during conversation (Stellas kinda obessed with doing this haha)
  • Smiling suggestively
  • Winking
  • Sending notes, poems, or small gifts
  • Oneline chat is a common modern tactic, as well as other one-on-one and direct messaging services
  • Footsie the "feet under the table" practice
  • Teasing
  • Consistent meeting
They soooo flirt with one another
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Magic, I love this list! It made me smile :)

And you're right, with every subject on your list I was thinking about scenes where you can find this :lol: Thank you so much for sharing :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Haha lolz, thanks for posting that list! :lol:
I think Mac and Stella have done all of those at least once in the seasons. Ah, they are just too damn cute! I loved this weeks eppie. As sad and annoying as it was for Stella to lose her apartment, the rapport and exchanges between her and Mac were so genuine and show real friendship and love for eachother. I tell you people, Smacked just makes so much sense! :thumbsup:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I like the idea of Mac and Stella playing footsie under the table. That seems like something they would do.
He did bring her coffee, so does that count as a gift. She did say it was perfect.

And Stella seems to be the only one who can calm down 'pissy Mac' You know when his voice raises a little louder, his frustrated tone. All it takes from her is a touch on the arm or just a look, and then he's better. Not many relationships have that kind of connection. :p
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

true. what did someone say about that...

Stella pwns Mac. :lol: *wipes tear* classic.
where was it mentioned that they give notes to each other? o_O
nice list btw. XD

*raises hand* i'm currently working on a post-ep fic. it'll take me days though *kicks term paper*

er.. the only line I remember about that is her saying she snores (as an excuse probably) :rolleyes:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Yeah! GOT SMACKED!!!!!

I felt the SMack was so strong in "Right Next Door" that I literally flew off the couch, right through the window and into the bushes across the street due to this episode.

Forget that blonde one whose name I can't remember. THat one is like oil on water where as SMacked is like watching Cesium and water.

I can't even imagine how many times Mac has secretly checked Stella out over the years both front and back. I can easily imagine a scenario of Mac for a split second spacing out and then cut to a nice shot of Stella's backside, back to Mac's face, and then Stella yelling his name out and he jolts back to 'reality' after his brief paradise. It's totally possible this far in the series.
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"


An idea for your fic

IN 1.02 there is a GREAT SMACked scene. Stella is trying to stay calm and she took a shower. Later Mac noticed it:eek:
Now after RND
Imagine she said "Yes" instead of "No" to his offer of an extra room. He said he had an extra room, he didn't mention he had an extra bathroom:devil:
Let your imagination flies:devil:. It could a potencial heart stopping fanfiction:lol:

Debbie truly Smacked fan:lol:
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Yeah, that would be a great idea... or when Stella realizes she has no where to live
and she comes knocking on Mac's door

Stella: "So, does your offer of the extra room still stand:"

Mac: "Absolutely, I'm just wondering what took you so long? And I really don't care if you snore."

^^Something like that :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

i can totally see the next episode opening with Mac waking up, heading to his kitchen to make coffee and then we see the camera pan around into a different room and we see Stella (well her head of curls) and he says "Hey, Stell. What kind of coffee do you want?" and she yawns and stretches and just calls right back "You now how I like it.";)


Oh, and the list totally applies. Did someone make that just because they were watching SMacked?
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

See? We don't need much to be happy.

And our ship is the most perfect relationship in the show. Hopefully we will have more development

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I can totally see Mac & Stella bickering about one of them being messy and the other one liking things neat and in proper order. :lol:

That would make some awesome character moments. :thumbsup: Make it happen, writers!
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

regarding the list as a gift we can count the rose Mac gave her when they solved the magician case

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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

i can totally see the next episode opening with Mac waking up, heading to his kitchen to make coffee and then we see the camera pan around into a different room and we see Stella (well her head of curls) and he says "Hey, Stell. What kind of coffee do you want?" and she yawns and stretches and just calls right back "You now how I like it.";)


Oh, and the list totally applies. Did someone make that just because they were watching SMacked?

:drool::thumbsup: if i see this scene in the next new eppie, THAT is gonna make my whole semester bareable. I mean it :scream::lol: My fangirls side would go nuts I tell ya, NUTS! (well, Nuttier :p) what would really make it interesting is if Mac is half naked :evil: (yesh, so it would mean that Stell would be just covered by the blanket? :p:devil:) *SIGH* oh shippy, my shippy. why aren't thou canon? :guffaw:
writers, hear our plea, we want more MS hints/scenes if not canonizing them (yes i made it a word :lol:).

rose? you mean this scene? :D Shows/CSINYStella4.jpg
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

i can totally see the next episode opening with Mac waking up, heading to his kitchen to make coffee and then we see the camera pan around into a different room and we see Stella (well her head of curls) and he says "Hey, Stell. What kind of coffee do you want?" and she yawns and stretches and just calls right back "You now how I like it.";)


Oh, and the list totally applies. Did someone make that just because they were watching SMacked?

:drool::thumbsup: if i see this scene in the next new eppie, THAT is gonna make my whole semester bareable. I mean it :scream::lol: My fangirls side would go nuts I tell ya, NUTS! (well, Nuttier :p) what would really make it interesting is if Mac is half naked :evil: (yesh, so it would mean that Stell would be just covered by the blanket? :p:devil:) *SIGH* oh shippy, my shippy. why aren't thou canon? :guffaw:
writers, hear our plea, we want more MS hints/scenes if not canonizing them (yes i made it a word :lol:).

rose? you mean this scene? :D Shows/CSINYStella4.jpg
Ah, MJ, your Shakespeare side is appearing again. I'm tellin' ya, I can't look at coffee or roses the same again!:p
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"


MJ0621 you spoil us(and please don't stop:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, i was talking about THAT scene:lol:

I have to remember P. was already in the picture:scream: but he gave the rose to Stella:lol::lol::lol::lol: (sweet revenge)

i have to add the "touching scene" in 1.03 when she shaked his tie trying to convince him to go for a drink:cool:

Great past, great SMACked scenes:drool:


Originally Posted by VaveAma92
i can totally see the next episode opening with Mac waking up, heading to his kitchen to make coffee and then we see the camera pan around into a different room and we see Stella (well her head of curls) and he says "Hey, Stell. What kind of coffee do you want?" and she yawns and stretches and just calls right back "You now how I like it.";)

VaveAma, do you pretend to kill me?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I guess Stella said not because she knew they would end in that way
Don't worry. We have time to become this ship canon:drool::drool::drool:
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