Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash
so for all intents and purposes i should NOT be posting right now... but aaaagh i can't help myself. i needed to come in and check how the new episodes went. what can i say, the will is weak
so i hear there wasn't much R/C in "kill the bride" (am i the only one who has kill bill flashbacks when that title comes up?), but still, i think it's a good thing that the earring was used. it may be that the detail got stuck in the writers' minds and is now coming out as a subconscious thought. so maybe one of these days some
other subconscious thought will come out and they'll go "you know, maybe we should have ryan and calleigh flirt a little while they work. i have no idea why i just thought that, but it sounds like it would work, doesn't it?" ...and that is how the human psyche works in our favor. okay, i'll stop channeling freud now
karu- i have to concur with everyone in that your analysis of diamond vs. zirconium was fabulous, and very inspired. materials is my specialty, so i know a lot about that, and as soon as i started reading your post, i was squeeing like crazy

another thing to notice is... *puts on non-existent glasses* ...that diamond is not only the hardest substance on earth (well, fifth hardest, really, with all the advances of technology nowadays), but it is also the hardest
naturally-occurring substance. it takes a long while and a lot of effort for diamond to form, but it does so on its own. zirconia, on the other hand, is almost exclusively made synthetically. it does have a natural base, called baddeleyite, but it is extremely rare.
extremely. so people don't even bother using it. in my head, this is sort of a parallel to how ryan & calleigh's relationship has always seemed so comfortable, like a natural progression; on the other hand, eric & calleigh's thing... well, you know. i won't get to that, lest i be reprimanded by the mod squad

(ILU, eric & cal shippers that might be reading this! *waves*)
and honestly, like
nikki said, ryan & cal are pretty much unbreakable. think about it; with all the arguments they've gotten into, they're still great friends-- logical conclusion is that they'll at least stay friends forever. nothing is huge enough to get them to hate each other. truly.
ANYWAY, *takes off non-existent glasses* that's enough of that. i won't bore you anymore with all this geeky stuff
just out of curiosity... am i the only one around whose favorite season was season 3? i know season 4 had all these lovely R/C moments, but for me nothing beats season 3. so now you've left me wondering.
salean- YOU WENT TO FRANCE?! *flails* aw, man, i'm so envious of you right now... *sigh* anyway, glad you had a good time
nikki- connections, huh? way to go all CIA on us! should we start looking for hidden cameras? :lol: i lol-ed at your description of the poker scene because, really, that's just how dear zirco is (heh,
hestia, that one's gonna stick

). the guy looks pissed about 60% of the time... and it's a good thing, really, because anger is definitely adam's best-transmitted emotion. the other great eric emotion is when he's teasing, but that obviously wouldn't fit with the scene...
anyway, enough about zirco (ILU, eric fans that might be reading this! *waves*), what's this i hear about ryan being all concerned? a phone call?? eeee! *melts* man, i really need to start watching the episodes again. *curses RL* :brickwall:
as for the rest of the episode... wait. HUH? guh-guh-- COOPER?? WHUT. :wtf: *brain. cannot. process* jesus! way to go back. people, get your helmets, because the world is surely ending tomorrow. ESPECIALLY if H did lab time. *pulls chair towards the nearest shelter* on the other hand, if it gives us nice ryan/calleigh scenes... *shrugs*
eee! pictures! thank you very much for these,
london! heaven for those of us who can't watch the episodes until later. boy, calleigh does look very affected. it's weird to see her like that. but i'm always glad that ryan's there to help her, of course
wait, this episode's a two-parter?! hmmm, that's unusual. from
brian's post just a few minutes ago, i gather it wasn't great for us. but ah, i'm still giddy over monday's episode and i probably will be until i get more details about today's. anyone? *looks around* oh, i guess i'll be forced to come back and check tomorrow... *runs to try and rearrange her schedule*
before i click submit and proceed to go melt into a happy puddle of goo, i wanted to say something re:
london's holiday question. i think they would celebrate christmas with the whole team... or at least make plans with the team for new years (those who have read
harm for the holidays: misgivings will understand why-- aww, so cute). as for the other holidays, i don't think they would give them much importance. i do see ryan as the sort of guy to plan a celebration for no special occasion. like, he wouldn't make a big deal out of valentine's day but he might surprise a girlfriend, calleigh in this case, with a romantic dinner just because it's, say, september 29th or something. or, given his OCD, he might whip up special little details for random "anniversaries," like the day they had their first fight, or the day she first called him babe

(sounds like something WE should do :lol
or maybe that's just me superimposing my own wishes on him
and remember my motto: STAY POSITIVE! :thumbsup: it's not over until the fat lady sings. or dies, as this is a crime scene show. errrr... you get my meaning
i don't know if i'll be able to post for a while, but i'll try to check in as much as i can! see you around, you guys