My personal hope for Nick's story is that he comes back to help with the case telling everyone the SD job is fine, Cath senses something is off but the case heats up and can't ask about it. Meanwhile Nick gets multiple calls and texts he ignores. Jump to Ecklie later, his phone rings and it's John Nolan telling him Nick quit and he wasn't answering calls or texts. Russell has a decision to make concerning taking a job with Avery Ryan's team and Charlie moving to Indiana to play ball.
In the end the case is solved, Russell takes the job leaving the Supervisor position open.
Ecklie and Russell talk to Nick about why he quit, Nick admits he hates sitting behind a desk doing paperwork sixteen hours a day. When he was with them his goal was to be Supervisor one day but when Russell was brought in then Finn Nick knew he'd never get that job so he took the SD one rather than be a level 3 until he retired.
What are his plans now? Find a job as a level 3 or assistant supervisor somewhere he guesses.
His former bosses exchange a look...
In the break room or somewhere, Sara and Grissom announce they are back together and Gris is teaching forensics at WLVU.
Ecklie, Russell and Nick walk in, Russell announces he's leaving.
Who's taking over?
They look at Finn who says she doesn't want the job.
Ecklie says he already hired someone.
Cath looks at Nick who's wearing a small smile and puts it together.
"Nicky!" She smiles.
Everyone wants to know about the SD job which Nick tells them he quit.
"I'm back." He grins and shrugs.
"Thank God we won't have to break someone in." Hodges snarks.
Everyone but the original team, and Greg, depart.
"The gangs all here." Greg smiles.
"Not all." Nick answers.
Montage of their years (including GD) then back to present.
Cath says she hungry and she's buying and they all head out to breakfast.
Scenario 2: Nick says he's fine, the job is fine, etc.
Cath isn't buying it, knowing him so well, he admits he hates the job and jumped at the chance to come back to Vegas and work a case again.
Russell confides in her that he's been offered the chance to work with Avery Ryan and Charlie wants to go to Indiana to play ball and he and Barbara are discussing it but he doesn't want to leave the team without guidance.
Cath goes to Ecklie who says he can't give the position to Finn, she's a loose cannon, Sara and Grissom are back
together and their marriage comes first, Morgan and Greg don't have enough experience...
"I know the perfect person and he's right here and he hates his new job." She smiles.
Jump ahead to everyone together, Russell announces he's
leaving and they wonder who's taking over.
"I've tentatively hired someone." Ecklie looks at Nick to everyone but Catherine's surprise.
"Congratulation's Nicky, you're not cut out to be a director." Grissom nods.
"Gil!" Sara rebukes.
"I merely meant that it's a desk job and the Nick I know is happiest in the field, that's where you feel you make a difference."
"You're right Gris. I hate being chained to a desk sixteen hours a day."
"I think this is a good time to invite you all to breakfast one last time." Russell smiles and they all leave together.
In both scenario's everyone, Brass, Doc, David, etc are all present.
GSR is intact and George (Nick) ends up as Supervisor as he'd always envisioned.
That would make me