This episode seemed to address a lot of things many of us fans felt were lacking in previous seasons:
1. More Ryan - LOVE Jon Togo :thumbsup: :drool:- His puppy dog eyes at the bar and his "bubbula" line to Delko - He's so awesome and adoreable. I concur w/everything Natalia said! (If only Ryan were real...:lol
2. Team Rallying Around Ryan - LOVED that the team did not accuse him and was very compassionate and on his side. :thumbsup: Which leads me too...
3. TEAM SPIRIT!! - LOVED the team spirit - wish more shows were like this, showing the camaraderie, joking around. (That last scene seemed kinda ad-libbed a little - loved it when Ryan kissed Frank's bald head :lol

. The team acted like a team, and if it wasn't for Calleigh missing that scene, I'd give it an A++. It's everything I was hoping for (for the most part

4. Calleigh w/Kids - Cute to see Cal with kids, though I don't think they built up this story enough for us to really buy it. I get that she's older and wants kids, but with her line of work I didn't think she'd want to adopt to older kids - who will care for them when she's not around? Her drunk father? Maybe we will finally get introduced to one of her other family members or a sibling next year (hopefully the show will will come back).
5. Sam is Gone!!! - :thumbsup: BYE BYE BYE, SAM! Never liked you, won't miss you one bit (though I liked Ryan's scenes with her - for some reason he fell for her...) Still not sure if she was "dirty" or just killed her boyfriend by hitting him w/the bottle out of anger. Did she take the drugs or did her boyfriend sign her name and take them? Too much of her storyline was left up in the air.
On the downside, I felt there were too many loose ends, the plot was rushed, and the lawyer guy and Navarro thing were not wrapped up. Also, H was good at showing some emotion, but why did no one react to his breaking the test tubes?? :wtf: Does he do that all the time? :lol: Also, it's painfully apparent that H doesn't fit in w/the team anymore (I know someone else said the bar scene w/him felt awkward when he came in, and I agree). H cares for his team, but is very much distanced himself from them - he seems stilted and cold, like he's just faking his "happy" emotions at the bar. I need the REAL Horatio Caine back...
Also, it was NOT COOL that Cal missed the bar scene. They should have written it so the team was congratulating her on the adoption, or that she was getting the kids the next day and they were celebrating that instead of just having a "pick-me-up" party for Ryan. I can't believe the team didn't even mention Calleigh or the adoption or ask about it??? Did Cal not tell anyone but Delko?? So much for family if that's the case...
I didn't mind the E/C stuff-it was friendly, and Eric's speech involved the whole team, not just him, which is something I like - the whole team is a family, not just Eric and Cal. I like their friendship, and thought this episode highlighted that nicely w/out taking anything away from the team spirit. Still pissed that Cal was left out of the last scene though - she's the second in command and there the longest besides Horatio :wtf: Why can't the writers get simple stuff like that right??
Anyway, overall I give the episode an A, although it was kinda predictable it was still exciting

eek: on the car crash scene - I thought maybe they were all dead). The focus on the characters was awesome and I loved the family atmosphere. I really hope they have another season b/c this just didn't feel "complete" to me, although it was a good ending.