Tonight's show had it shocking moments, and the end with almost the whole main cast at the bar, got me thinking. I wonder if the cast knew then this *might* be the end?
It didn't matter at this point if it was a little over 45 minutes until it started, I think tonight, there were more people watching CSI Miami than normal, and of course the other 2 or 3 (if you want to count FOX) we dead and had very few views.
One thing I notice, Mr. Rodriguez had a cut on his face. I can't recall anything happing to him to cause that scar. At the end, being on Easter Sunday, CBS showing the final episode of the season tonight made it like a "tear jerker" to me. Poor Mr. Wolfe, he felt out there alone, but the team reminded him they would always be there for him.
The way the program ended tonight made it look like the end of CSI Miami, and they could stop right there. I am lucky to have seasons 1-8 on DVD, they have been bought with my money and paid for. CBS got a little chunck of my money, now I have something CBS can't take away from me. Let's just hope for the best, that's all I can say at this point.
In conclusion, watching NYC 22 is not going to effect if CSI Miami is renewed or not. The previews of NYC 22 looked dull, poor production quality, and it won't be on when the Fall Season gets here. I notice the main trainning officer on NYC 22 has been on one of the CSI Shows.
We it's late and I have to work tomorrow!
Peace and Love to all CSI Fans,