Since this thread only relates to CSI: Miami, I'll shift it over to that forum to be combined with the petition thread already there.
Merged the threads (although a little out of order :lol
One thread should suffice to garner interest, I think.
I also hate to ruin the buzz too (and maybe I'm jaded

), but I've seen too many unsuccessful online 'Save X, Y, Z' petitions out there, so I'm not betting this one will create much of a dent if TPTB decide to pull the plug. That's not to say that the fanbase isn't quite large and that they have zero influence, but the decision would probably be based on their profit margin than fan loyalty. Besides, I think that if the show has to end, I'd prefer they go out with their heads held high and that they end on a strong note instead of dragging it out an extra season just because we might want it. It would mean more to me to see it end well than to simply have it on the air, just because.
With that being said, there's been little indication that the show's in such dire straits (plenty of shows that are on the bubble get renewed) and looking at the numbers, it seems to be doing relatively well on Sundays despite all the interruptions to the schedule. It would probably surprise me a bit (a
) if they decided to cancel it this summer, but I don't think I'd be shocked to see it getting one final season and at this point, I'm okay with that.