Elisabeth/Finn: The Blood Whisperer


Introducing the newest cast member/character of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation! Elisabeth Shue joins the cast playing Julie "Finn" Finlay, described by a source to CSI Files as "a former colleague of DB Russell’s from Seattle. Finlay is smart, tough, competitive, with razor sharp wit and instincts to match, as well as true heart and compassion, the new CSI also struggles with “brutal honesty issues” and suffers no fools."

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Re: Elisabeth/Finn

We'll start taking suggestions for a thread name now, although we'll wait and see how it goes for a few episodes and see if any good ideas come from them before we choose one. :)
Re: Elisabeth/Julie

I was trying to think of play on words with the name Finn, but failed. And all I can come up with is "LV has a new Jule" (instead of "jewel"), but that's not very good LOL.
Re: Elisabeth/Julie

How about: "Adventures In Crime Solving". You know I had to incorporate my favorite Elizabeth Shue movie in there somehow LOL.
Re: Elisabeth/Julie

I'm really curious to see what kind of interactions she'll have with the whole team :)!

I can't think of any titles right now, but those are all really good ones so far :):)!

"Adventures in Crime Solving" :lol: good one! I also like "If the Shue fits" :lol:!
Re: Elisabeth/Julie

Well, on the previews, she said to DB "You've got me" and "It is a good one". So, maybe we could use one of those for the title? There may be more options after watching next week's episode though.
Re: Elisabeth/Julie

I love 'If the Shue fits' its very clever!!

Looking forward to her first episode!

How bout "Back to the crime lab' (because of back to the future movies and because DB had fired her in the past)
Re: Elisabeth/Julie

How about for a thread title:

"Elisabeth/Julie #1: The Blood Whisperer" . I loved when DB called her that.