Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious!

You know what I'm dreaming for season 10 premiere? Calleigh in charge again like in "Rio", since Horatio has been hit, and her saving the day! I miss that Calleigh...
You know what I'm dreaming for season 10 premiere? Calleigh in charge again like in "Rio", since Horatio has been hit, and her saving the day! I miss that Calleigh...

I can totally see that happening :). If this were any other show I would say she would be in charge for at least two or three episode while Horatio gets better. It'd be so cool to see her in charge outside and inside the lab for a longer period of time than just one episode. However, being that it's Miami he'll probably be up and about in the first 15 mins of the first epidsode :lol:. But that's a great idea lusiana and it would give her something important to do after all the sitting around she had to do this season. Now I'm going to be really unhappy if that's not the case :shifty::p.
Here's the adorable picture of Mom and babe for the benefit of those who does not have facebook. I really hope that Emily will post a video of her and Pippa in her website soon. I miss her so much. Enjoy!;)

Beautiful, her baby will be about six months soon :) It's the same room I think in which she had that picture taken when she was pregnant - someone posted it earlier in this thread. I also hope she will oficially introduce Pippa on her website soon.
Here's the adorable picture of Mom and babe for the benefit of those who does not have facebook. I really hope that Emily will post a video of her and Pippa in her website soon. I miss her so much. Enjoy!;)


Emily is beaming! So happy for her :).
Thanks for the pic, ec4evr :thumbsup:
Ec4evr, I knew you'll share something good as soon as I saw Emily's thread up again :D I love this interviews with her, she is so funny and adorable.
One thing worries me, though. She doesn't mention season 10 at all...and she only tells that she doesn't like to spend her time apart from Pippa. It's understandable, of course, but I hope it doesn't mean she will not be back in season 10. Anyone knows anything about her contract?
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Hi all! Thought we all could use some Emily Procter news. As usual, Emily is hilarious in this interview. I am just so happy for her. :)


Thanks again ec4evr :)!
I'm happy for Emily and glad she's really enjoying motherhood. We all knew she'd be a great mom, didn't we :thumbsup:?
Just like Kala said though, I wish she had mentioned about coming back next season! I'm a little concerned :confused:!
Hi Kala, D&D! I read in a recent article of Emily (which I'm pretty sure was posted in the previous page) this --
"I loved this season, but I'm worried about next year, because I know they're going to make me work."

So, I think it is safe to assume that she will be back in Season 10 and EC will resume.=)
I loved the interview! She's so lovely, I find it funny how she said that she and Paul fight over holding Pippa. And Yup I hope she gets worked next year and make up for the lost time... but she'll handle it, she sounds like a workaholic to me.