Just rewatched this, and the "toxic poisioned water, shades of "Eric Brokovich" agian.. My summary of this~
Brass, Ray & Super Dave and Nick finding the dead body in tainted water.. so gross. Ray: "It can give you a beautiful complexion" Brass: "yeah his complexions has really improved. Gawd Ray is sexy, and looks great in jeans

Going over the wounds Nick: "How'd he get out here"? Ray: "And who was with him'?
Ray taking water samples and him and Nick working together again.. so cool~
Doc and Cath with the banter about what he should get his wife for her B-say. Cath suggesting diamonds, with Doc saying "How about metal earrings"? Cath: "Oh come on Doc you can say gold" Them going over the body riddled with disease, "our friend didn't die in that spring". Cath runs fingerprints and finds out it's Walter Burns who lived on a ranch in
Cable Springs.~
Greg finds phone records to the Editor/Publisher Rosalind, Ray and Brass interogate her, but she dummies up on info. "Brass: "Your source Walter Burns was found dead last night" Arguing banter back and forth. Ray is suspicious and how her narrows his eyes down and cocks his head, damn he's good:thumbsup:
Archie [good to see him again, he's so cute] Nick finds cartridge~
Nick and Frankie, why is she on this show? She to me is not attractive, awful acting and a snippy attitude a kinda of clone of Riley

& no chemistry what-so-ever between her and anyone

They find Richard in amonst the trash.~
Go see wife she stats "Richard had been on edge for weeks", but due to disclousure agrrement couldn't say anything, or reval anything. Then she shows Nick a dead goat head that was left on her front porch GROSS:wtf:
Doc and Ray going over the head, and t had the same medical lesions that had killed Walter. Ray: "Why would you leave an infected goats head on someones porch" Doc: "I'll take this one, I've seen the "Godfather" 11 times, it's a message it's not a horse, but hey times are tough"times:lol:
Nick, Archie, Greg same goat..
Nick Ray, and whats-her-face go out to Mr. Gibsons place poor sad man who had tried everything and could get no ones attention at the end of his rope. Has a gun Reed tells him to drop it, a confrontation ensues about his once "sweet water" and they listen and how nobody cares Ray: "we care" the company "Conservo" paid him $50,000 for his mineral rights but then his wife died his last animal died and he was done, He knew that Conservo was poisioning the water and Walter was getting the proof, then he drops a match into a well of sorts and yet another explosion. [these are getting quite frequent lately] Poor guy is burnt to a crisp.
Ray, Nick and Greg and Ray telling them about a river in Ohio wher the river didn't flow just oozed. The Nick goes 'I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but, and Ray says the same thing back then turns on the water spigot and it lights on fire, had methane mixture in it.
Ray and Rosalind She tells him that "You figured out what we all knew for a year" and tells Ray about
FRACKING which he looks up, a complicated process, which I'm not posting here way too long. Doc and Hodges about chemicals case the body to break down.`
Enter Icky Ecklie isn't he a pleasant guy?:klingon: won't concede about anything "Your not Erin Brockovich", how apropos beings Marg played in that movie so long ago~And to Ray who goes "The water is the crime" Ecklie: "It's not Chinatown" So the two dead guys were going to reveal what they'd found and were killed Cath: "Issue the warrant Conrad"~
The go to the company find evidence one line that made me laugh was Nick "OK Hoss, you take all the time you need" find a shred of cloth on the fence~
Brass and Ecklie Brass: "Your going to let some corporate lawyers tell us what to do" "Ecklie: "No, I'm telling you"
Ray and Rosalind talk she's dying too. She found proof that Conservo had documents and "I believed on person could change the world" Ray says "Without hard proof Conservo Solutions will bury you" "She goes "I'm not afraid anymore, I don't have much to lose" Ray says "Maybe I can help, a friend is starting a clinic she's left a spot open for you" She takes the envelope & walks away. He's sitting on a bench. what a sweet, kind gesture