CSI Level One
Am I the only one who doesn't really like the idea of this bad guy coming back though? I mean some stories that get closure (like him going to jail), should just stay closed in my opinion. Why bring him back after all this time? I just don't get it. Oh well. Maybe it'll be an interesting episode anyway. I hope either H or Eric kills the b*stard. :lol:
No, you're not the only one, GNRF. This sounds to me like the same tired old storylines they've given us in the past. This is nothing new at all and a repeat of a storyline that was boring to say the least.
And if Horatio kills the guy off, I hope they're careful how they do it this time. He's still being accused of murdering Riaz in cold blood. :scream: (I guess if Julia said he did ... it MUST be true!