Re: CSI Miami - What Do You Think About Eddie Cibrian's Departure?
I'm still in shock. I don't know WHY. Maybe because if someone left, I thought it'd be someone else. They had plans for Jesse... I have the CBS
Watch magazine to prove it... (lol). Seriously. I like Jesse better than Walter or Tom... but that's just me. I DO love Walter as well, but I don't get how they can off Eddie and say they want to 'focus on the core cast' and keep Omar in the process. THe logic makes no sense.

I understand keeping Tom, we have to have an ME... but still. I have to admit I'm nervous, though I don't think they'd kill anyone else off. Someone (on another site) said Ryan (who will be in his seventh season) and Nat(who will be in her sixth) weren't part of the core team. (?!?!) SO we're going to have a show that focuses on Horatio, Eric, and Calleigh?! (OH WAIT, we do... to the last two. :lol: )
ANYWAY.. That being said, if they really DO want to focus on the CORE team, (which regardless to what some say is Horatio, Calleigh, Eric, Ryan, Natalia, and Frank...) THEN good for them. They need to do THAT. They need to show team work, and interaction, through out every episode. They have zero excuses for lazy writing, or sloppy messes. They will be in their 9th season, moving to Sunday nights on top of it... It's time to step it up! You bring back Adam, you USE him. Don't make it all about him and someone ELSE. Let's bring back the OLD Calleigh, and the OLD Ryan without tinkering. How about an in-depth story for Natalia, Ryan, and Frank. One that reflects them in a positive light.
If I look at his departure like THAT, I feel better. The only thing is, I don't have faith in TPTB for all of that. They'll dumb down Ryan, push Natalia aside, 'use' Frank once more. And it's getting old. FAST.
And no more humor with the Three Musketeers....

That was my favorite thing!!! They were awesome together. Unlike any other trio on TV. That's one reason I am glad (or hope!) Walter stays. Ryan has a real friend. Unlike any other season. But I won't get into that!
All in all, bitter/sweet he's leaving. I liked him, A LOT, but if he really is leaving to focus on the core TEAM rather than just 'two' of them, then yeah. I can deal. If not, then I want him back and I'd say kick AR to the curb! :lol: