CSI Level One
ya know what the "all the CSI's falling" down kinda reminds me of, ring around the rosy. Because at the very end of the chan there's that one line - "and we all fall down"
Me too, jontogoisabeast! (Love your name, btw.
It's also interesting because in some places it is believed (in error) that the song "Ring Around the Rosy" is in reference to the Black Plague of the 14 century.
The "ring around the rosy" is said to refer to the marks that appeared on the skin of victims during the progression of the disease.
The "pocket full of posies" is referenced in several ways. Posy was supposed to ward off the plague, help to cover the overwhelming smell of the dead laying in the streets and it was also sometimes buried with the dead.
"Ashes, ashes" is supposed to refer to the bodies being cremated so that all that remained were the ashes. Also the burning of plague victims houses and the black discoloration of the skin of those who fell victim. It was also said to refer to the sneezing sound, as the one of the symptoms of the plague was sneezing.
"They all fall down" refered to the dead lying in the streets - everywhere. Over 25 million died before it was all over.
So this title really did make me think of the many incorrect references through the years to the origination of the song "Ring Around the Rosie" and if it held any significance to the episode.