Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Well we had a new episode tonight. A little more Greg but some of his scenes I felt like they just tossed them in there for us Greg his opening one
taking a photo and dusting for prints and then he vanished for a little bit. Then the scene at the table...I think he had one line but mostly just sat there listening. I want some substance in his scenes from him, not just being there for the sake of "we need to put Greg in this episode someplace." That's the feeling I get sometimes.
He did look mighty fine though. I like the new CSI jacket he has worn last week and this. It looks good on him. :D
I know someone will be happy...he was wearing a striped shirt again. :lol:
I know someone will be happy...he was wearing a striped shirt again. :lol:

Very happy indeed:lol:! I really wish there had been more of our favorite stripe-wearing fella...We need more Greg, preferably speaking Greg,.......please?
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I loved the CSI jacket. I like it on him :)
Maybe, (and granted, I think strangely) the reason for the lack of Greg screentime lately is to build up to some kind of season finale that no one saw coming.

.....Or the writers are just mean to Greggo.
But, either way. We need more Greg! :p
You know, I keep hoping the same thing, Jessica_Lynne. I keep hoping in the last couple of episodes this season he is really featured or maybe even centers around him. Let's face it, he has never really been a big part in any season finale. Some season finales...Seasons 6 and 7, he was hardly in at all. I think it is time he gets some focus. Of course this is all just based on hope.

I noticed what you were talking about, gregfan3, on the Neverland thread...that he looked a bit annoyed when Catherine said he was working with her on finding the boy's killer. But then it ended up Nick and Ray and Sara were still the ones to really find the killer anyway.

Time wise, he was on maybe only 30 seconds more this week than last week. I always do an edited version of the show with just Greg scenes and last week he had a little over 5 minutes worth and this week 6 minutes. For a 42-43 minute show, that is very poor to only be on that little amount of time. Earlier in the season he was getting at least 10-15 minutes sometimes more. Now we have 2 weeks again without the show, I believe due to Basketball.
I don't know... I think his scenes last week were a bit more significant. The scene with Nick in the crazy fan's place being the best. Last night's ep did really feel like he was just there so the writers could say they threw him in the ep. The only scene he had that was really significant was when Cath told the other three to keep working that part of the case... his frown showed that he wasn't happy about being taking off the case until Cath said they were still working the same case, just a different angle. Then he seemed more at peace with the idea. :lol:
You know I didn't really mind that Greg didn't say much in that scene, as long as I get to see him I am happy with him just sitting/standing there looking cute. :)

I enjoyed the time we saw of him but I agree it was not enough, I loved the scene with Nick.

I expect the finale to be about Ray this season...who else
Don't say that Wojo! Please not anther Ray finale.

I like seeing Greg but I truly want more to his scenes that just sitting there and being mostly an inactive participant. He was more active when he was in the lab giving his results at times. Of course with Sara being back full time we should have figured Greg would get pushed back again. Eric will just never really get a chance to really stand out with Jorja and LF still around on the show.
Sometimes it makes me really sad about how 'underused/under appreciated' Eric/Greg is...He is such a talent and such a great character, and the show's creaters obviously saw something in him to make his role permanent and more prominant...I think you are right, Dizzney, I think there were plenty of times when Greg was still in the lab that he had better scenes...especially when delivering (like nobody else has since him) highly anticipated DNA results...I hope they will give his dedicated fans something to squee about soon...a feature in the finale would be awesome....seeing his apartment would rock...I'm loving the stripes:lol:..........
Hello everyone. A long time lurker is joining the conversation.

The only scene he had that was really significant was when Cath told the other three to keep working that part of the case... his frown showed that he wasn't happy about being taking off the case until Cath said they were still working the same case, just a different angle. Then he seemed more at peace with the idea. :lol:
When I saw that scene I was hoping that we would finally get that confrontation between Greg and Catherine about Greg getting better treatment. But then it just turned out to be the writers way to get Greg out of the screen. :(

Have to ask you all, what do you think is the chanse that we get some follow-up to that scene in Family Affair, where Greg argues with Catherine? Because when I watched that scene it felt like Greg had been holding out all that frustration for a long time and had finally had enough. And I've been waiting for the last 14 episodes that Greg would finally tell Catherine or maybe Nick that he wants more respect/ better cases, but there's been nothing so far, and I'm kind disappointed in that. I'm a little afraid that the writers are never going to continue that storyline, and make it seem like Greg was only having a bad day.
I too wondered if Greg was a bit upset by Catherine saying her and Greg had another angle (or whatever words she used) to pursue and I was dissapointed that we never got to see what Catherine and Greg did. An excuse to get rid of him? Maybe.

you may be right about that...
There was an interview in TV guide which said Greg would complain about his role on the team and end up with a new job

But I think this spoiler will not come to pass in favor of more drama for Ray and Sara. We Greg fans will most likely end up with the short end of the stick like we always do. But the season is not over yet so there is still hope that something might happen for Greg. Although I am not holding my breath.
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I'm not holding my breath either. I think once the writers found out they were getting Jorja back full time they went back to writing for her and not for Greg.
Miami Lurker is going to join the convo if you don't mind xD. I hope they don't cut Greg's screen time to accomodate Sara! As much as I love Sara, I'd hate for Greg to loose screen time. I found that the CSI TPTB had better balance then the CSI Miami ones, so I was surprised when they started to write for Sara and not write for Greg. Hopefully things will look better for Greg for the rest of the season.
okay, so let me get this straight, they're cutting Eric/Greg's screen time? Sorry if I've got this wrong by the way, seeing as I've just randomly started posting here.
Well sorta, we've seen less of him the last couple of episodes but the season isn't over yet so... its not an official thing about screen time just some observations and worries that it might happen. Welcome to the thread btw LasVegasCSI.
Thanks Wojo :) Oh man I've only just seen episode nine of season ten. I hope to god he doesn't get written out or anything. What would CSI be without him?
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