Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Personally, I never thought that they looked anything alike. Eric is so much better looking.
Personally, I never thought that they looked anything alike. Eric is so much better looking.
I agree 100% with Wojo! I never thought they looked alike and I do not even like the comparison.

I hope we get more Greg in this week's new episode or I will start to get mad at the CSI writers again.:rolleyes:
Was it my imagination or did Greg kind of waggle his eyebrows at Cath when he asked if Jay was flirting with her? :lol:
He did but they have always had a flirting relationship. They are one of my secret ships. Even wrote a fic about them some time ago. :D I always love when they work together.
It was almost like he was saying "I can come to your rescue if you need me to." :lol: Kind of reminded me of the scene where that one suspect was flirting with/hitting on Wendy and Vartann asked her if the guy was hitting on her... like he'd do something about it if he was bugging her... Only Greg said what he said to Cath with a bit of amusement in his voice... and those expressive eyes of Greg's gosh, he's just too cute. :)
I know. I hope we get to see more of them this week. I still want a Greg episode this season, gosh darn it.
I would love a Greg episode too...maybe one where he gets to be the hero, that would be nice to see. I sincerely hope they do not revert to the season 9...where is Greg? stuff. So not enough of him in the last episode. Though I honestly think he has never been cuter then in that scene in the hospital with, those eyes! I personally think they have a lot of chemistry. Can you imagine being that close to him? Swoon...
I've always thought Catherine and him had chemistry too. That is why I felt a need to write a fic about them.
His eyes can be very expressive.
I remember Eric saying he'd like to see Greg in a hero type ep without getting beat up. Wish the writers would listen to him once in awhile.
Well, maybe Greg can pull off his shirt (its been a while since we've seen him shirtless :D ) and jump in the water and save someone who is drowing. :)
Well, maybe Greg can pull off his shirt (its been a while since we've seen him shirtless :D ) and jump in the water and save someone who is drowing. :)

Check and Mate. That would be swell. :D

It seems like the only time Greg gets a good episode is either when he's hurt or something like that.
My oh my, the writers seem to be a bit sadistic when it comes to Greggo.

Geez, Greg got more screentime in Deadly Intent. Although, I do love him animated too :lol:
Well, maybe Greg can pull off his shirt (its been a while since we've seen him shirtless :D ) and jump in the water and save someone who is drowing. :)

That would be awesome or if he had to jump in a pool to recover evidence (like both Nick and Warrick have done) that would be fine with me.

I too love Catherine and Greg's chemistry, you can tell that Marg and Eric love working together.
I could handle seeing him jump in a pool to recover evidence. Or just being out in a rain storm and getting really wet. :lol: Sorry mind out of gutter. :lol:

In any case, I wonder if we will ever get another Greg episode before the series ends.
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