Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #20- "Save Me From Myself"

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!, that's part of the challenge, that it stay under 2,500 words. :) Hey, it used to be 2,000, so count yourself lucky! :lol: We've all run into that problem of having to pare our stories down, but then when we put them on FanFiction we put the cut stuff back in. :)

I'm just afraid if we start allowing a little over here and there, the next thing we know we're upping it to 3,000 and so on.

Remember, titles and summaries aren't included in the word count if that helps. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!, that's part of the challenge, that it stay under 2,500 words. :) Hey, it used to be 2,000, so count yourself lucky! :lol: We've all run into that problem of having to pare our stories down, but then when we put them on FanFiction we put the cut stuff back in. :)

I'm just afraid if we start allowing a little over here and there, the next thing we know we're upping it to 3,000 and so on.

Remember, titles and summaries aren't included in the word count if that helps. :)

No - no, I fully understand. I was just wondering whether I needed to do a hatchet job (and ditch a scene) or scalpel (and try to find the 500 words across the whole piece). Hatchet job it is.

ETA I possibly should explain: I've spent the last five years dealing with things where the term "word limit" has generally speaking NOT meant "this many words and no more", apart from the occasions when it has (consistency; you have to love it) and I've ended up rather paranoid (or possibly anal - you pick!) about making sure I know exactly what's being meant. So it wasn't so much "Oh help, only 2500 words?!" as "Oh help; is that 2500 words plus or minus 5% or is it 2500 words exactly or is it 2500 words less fifteen because the stars have aligned with Jupiter in the Zenith of Mars..." (And I wish I was being facetious about the Jupiter and Mars thing - so very, VERY much wish I was!)

I will now shut up, drink my coffee and get on with the hatchet job.
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Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

No - no, I fully understand. I was just wondering whether I needed to do a hatchet job (and ditch a scene) or scalpel (and try to find the 500 words across the whole piece). Hatchet job it is.

ETA I possibly should explain: I've spent the last five years dealing with things where the term "word limit" has generally speaking NOT meant "this many words and no more", apart from the occasions when it has (consistency; you have to love it) and I've ended up rather paranoid (or possibly anal - you pick!) about making sure I know exactly what's being meant. So it wasn't so much "Oh help, only 2500 words?!" as "Oh help; is that 2500 words plus or minus 5% or is it 2500 words exactly or is it 2500 words less fifteen because the stars have aligned with Jupiter in the Zenith of Mars..." (And I wish I was being facetious about the Jupiter and Mars thing - so very, VERY much wish I was!)

I will now shut up, drink my coffee and get on with the hatchet job. it! :) No, it's pretty simple...2,500 words or less.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Hi! Remember me?

I need to take a step back for a moment and review the Christmas fics. I apologize for not doing so before this - unfortunately my mother became very ill a few days after Christmas and passed away a week ago. Everything's been kind of out of sorts for a while.

It was great to go back and read these, though - and on the bright side, I don't have to come up with something nice to say about my own work! They aren't very long or detailed, but here are my reviews:

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Murder: This was hilarious! I loved it, from Santa putting the smack-down on Jimmy and Nicky, to Jack The Ripper in the Box - I loved the parody feel to it and could see it play out on Mad TV :guffaw: It's just brilliant - great work!!!

Reindeer Games: Dude, you killed April! “How do you accidentally hoist a life-sized statue of a reindeer over your head and slam it into a woman’s stomach?” :lol: Good mix of serious and cheeky in this one. I liked it.

This Time of the Year: This was so sweet! I loved the picture you painted of Christmas at the Stokeses. From my perspective as a mom, we all have things that our children made that every year we display without fail, and you nailed the reason on the head - because they are beautiful to us even if no one else can see it. This was a great Christmas tale - very well done!

Great job, everyone! Now, as for my own story - I don't remember anymore how I came up with my idea :lol: I'm just glad I finished it!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

My story is off to be beta'd. I don't think it's very good.....but I guess we'll see
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Glad to see you back, Jacqui! :) I know it's been a rough time lately, so I'm glad the fics picked you up a little. :) Your fic was awesome too!

I've gotten several submissions so far for the current challenge, which is great! Just a reminder, the due date is next Saturday at midnight EST, so there is still time if you're interested!

If anyone already submitted a story thinking the deadline was this weekend and wants it back to work on it some more, no problem. I know a couple of people thought the deadline was this weekend.

Now, if only *I* had an idea. :shifty:
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Yay, Jacqui is back :) I'm happy to see you again :D

I have also no idea for this round :( I don't know why... I wish I knew... :shifty:

Well... there is still time, right ;)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

I sat down last night and wrote the entire story! I kept writing and couldn't stop until it was done. Now I just have to type it and make sure it's not too long. :lol:
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Mines finished too...for better or worse...lean to the worse on this one.

I never realized how out of practice I became in writing, until I didn't do it for over a month. I've spent the last two and half weeks writing and re-writing the last chapter of my Quantico story on the fanfic site. Thank God that's finished.:thumbsup:

Then the songfic challenge came up, and I couldn't come up with an idea to save my life. Finally, a glimmer presented itself, I'm not saying it's good, but it was an idea...WoooHooo!;)

Hope everyone elses writing is better than mine. Lord help us if its anywhere near my lame attempt...:lol:

That's all I've got people...have a great day!:)

Take Care,

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Awww I need to be honest... I won't get a story done for this challenge round :( I had a time and an idea problem... I'm so sorry :(

I just couldn't get to it, after all the stuff that was going on in real life the past weeks...

I'll definitly review all your stories, I can't wait to read them :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Just a reminder, the fics are due tonight by midnight EST. :) Anyone else working on something to enter?
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

I just emailed mine to you. :)
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Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

I'm working on mine, but I should have it finished before midnight :)

Edit: Mine's done, but it's way under the limit :( I don't know what else I can add to it...
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Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

Nick Fic Song Challenge
Round 9

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting round 9 of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! Thanks to everyone who participated! :)

Here are a few guidelines for reading and reviewing:

1. Remember, for now the stories are anonymous. Please do not reveal which story you wrote. We will unveil the authors next Sunday, February 14.

2. Story authors/participants - Please leave feedback for each story. That's why we're doing we can learn from each other and improve as we go along. And because this is anonymous for now, please remember to leave some feedback for your own story too. :)

3. Lurkers - You are most welcome to read and review the stories too! We just ask that you follow and respect the guidelines here as well. The exception is that you may leave reviews for as few or as many stories as you like. (Authors - Please do not take offense if a lurker reviews only one or two stories or does not review yours.)

4. Please make your feedback as positive and constructive as possible. Constructive means that it's meant to be helpful and it's said in a nice way. There will be zero tolerance for meanness here from anyone.

5. Please try to make your feedback a little more than just "Good job" or "Nice story". We all look forward to hearing some thoughtful input on our work. :) And for now let's focus on the content of the story more so than the format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. For some people this is their first fic and/or English may not be their first language, and those are all things that a good beta could fix if this weren't a challenge. :)

6. Feedback should be posted here in this thread and can be done all in one post or in several posts.

7. Remember, we aren't voting for favorites on this or anything. We're just reading, reviewing, and enjoying! :)

8. Attention readers! Feedback posts will probably contain spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled, do not read the feedback until after you read the stories.

And now, what you've all been waiting for...round 9 of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! Click on the "All We Are" link on the right to read the stories.

Note: If you see an error in your story or any problems on the page, please PM Smokey ASAP.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #9- "All We Are"- Now Up!

1) Deflected- I like that Cath got on to Ray for coming in the lab wearing his bloody scrubs after an autopsy. She never seems to say anything to him on the show when he makes a mistake. Snipers... scary. Ahhh, cliffhanger.

2) Start Of Something Beautiful- Poor Nicky! The line about the Sous chef was very vivid and fit perfectly with Nick's feelings. Aww Nicky trying to make Mandy feel better. And you had Cath/Vartann in the fic too. Awesome! I loved Vartann's comment. :lol: I love the last line!

3) Valentine's Day- Very nice poem and a creative way to use words from the song. Love it. :)

4) Sabatoge- The line Sara said about the bad energy in the office made me chuckle. Loved it when his gf scared the crap out of him after he came out of the shower. :lol:

5) The Start Of Something Beautiful - Aww at Mandy/Nick. Nick can be a bit clueless sometimes, but adorably so. Love how Mandy pointed that out. :lol:

6) He's Just That Into You- Nick is such a good friend cancelling his date to help a friend in need. I can see Greg and Wendy playing matchmaker.

7) Leaving Words- Aww poor Nicky. This was angsty, but really good. :)

8) Something Beautiful - I love how you told the story as a going through the years of Libby's life and Nick's involvement in it and then ended with him being a great uncle at thirty-five. Very sweet fic.
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