haha, i always felt i have to defend peyton, what with her being from my neck of the woods*
i do agree though, i never minded peyton at the time but the more i watch it the worse she gets - and that might just be now that i know how strong the reaction against her was it's altered my outlook but yeah, she wasn't great. i hope this new one is better.
i know this has been done before on here many times but i actually quite liked gillian, and quinn, and i didn't even mind jordan, i quite liked that all three of them were quite good at standing up to mac, especially jordan actually, that argument was quite

i thought any one of them would've been better than peyton really. i was kind of holding out for mac + gillian but....
* i'm talking not just the same country - oddly enough, julia ormond is from this same small area - i'm still holding out hope that mac has some kind of "thing" for girls from south west london/surrey! *dreams* i checked on google maps - i'm 9 miles from both of the places they grew up/lived. this map proves that mac clearly has a thing for this area even if he doesn't know it yet! the blue x is gillian, the red one is peyton and i'm in green....
Hmmm, think you might be on to something there!
I never minded Peyton, she brought out a lovely, softer side to Mac, and she
did stand up to him in Raising Shane. And she encouraged him to go and speak to the cop who was in jail during the Dobson case. She also stood up to Stella in Raising Shane, and IMO, if Mac's gonna date someone who isn't Stella, it needs to be someone who is prepared to stand up to Stella as well as to Mac. I liked Quinn, Jordan, and Gillian more than Peyton and think they could really have worked well with Mac romantically, especially as they seemed to be the kind of women Mac goes for - intelligent and competent and tough but with a softer side, and not afraid to challenge him. Stella of course fits into that category too. My favourite love interest for Mac has to be Jane Parsons, I really loved the chemistry between them in s1 and s2, and the actress who played her -Sonya Walger - is English too - she is from London. I'd love for the 'love interest' to be Stella, but I suspect if the writers ever do go that route, it will be a final episode kind of thing, like with Mulder and Scully from X Files.
Back to Mac, I'm happy he's getting a love interest, and hope the writers do a good job with it, something along the lines of Mac/Peyton rather than have her pop up for a few episodes, Mac seem sort of interested, then nothing happens - which is what happened with Jordan, Quinn, and Gillian. It would be nice if the new love interest was one of those 3, they all seemed a nice fit for Mac - Quinn was my personal favourite. But a 'new' new love interest is fine too, as long as they play it right. It'd be nice if this lady is not connected to Mac's work, too. Either way, I'm hoping we'll not only get to see a softer Mac, but a more personal side to him too, like what he does outside the lab. I always love those scenes where we see him having coffee with Stella or breakfast at a diner or out jogging, he seems looser and more relaxed, and smiley.
I'm also hoping for more Reed this season.
Watched the Lat/Long episode on Saturday, and liked it, especially the Mac/Hawkes banter and also Mac getting all determined and Detective-y re the serial killer. I was a bit disappointed we didn't get any 'history geek' Mac when he was at Ellis Island. Oh, and his reaction to Flack's behaviour was bang on - he clearly doesn't know quite what to do about Flack, and is wary of approaching him in case that hurts him more. He tells Stella Flack needs time, and that line not only rang true in terms of when you do lose someone you
do need time, but also for Mac's character - he needed time after Claire's death. But at the same time he must know that no matter how much time passes, it's still going to hurt, and that too is what is holding him back a bit from reaching out to Flack. It's not that he isn't concerned or doesn't want to, it's more that he seems genuinely at a loss of how to do it, what to say, and that's very realistic, and very 'Mac', especially as he usually isn't very good at the emotional stuff, and I'm betting Flack isn't much better. Mac seems to find it easier to reach out to people involved in cases he works, like Maris's mother in Greater Good, than the people he cares about, though he's gotten a lot better at that lately. I'll be interested to see how he deals with Flack, and what he does when he finds out what Flack did to that guy in Pay Up.
OMG, so many hot pics. The ones with him in the racing gear are :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: Welcome to the new folks. Thank you wildcat for the lovely Smiley Mac wallpaper/collage.:drool::drool::drool: