Originally Posted by Top41:
I noticed he didn't get that expression on his face until they started to cuff him. Initially, he seemed pretty shocked and dismayed.
True, but he was giving the mom that skeevy grin when he was actually in a courtroom with a judge who seemed more than ready to convict him. I don't think it meant that he really thought he had a chance of going anywhere -- even if Lindsay didn't take him out, there were about ten other cops in the room who would have -- but I do think he was mocking something that he perceived as weakness, both times.
Or, lol, again maybe I'm still reading too much into it.
I didn't sense any unease, but then, I don't see a lot of depth to Anna's acting. I certainly didn't sense any unease in the earlier scene with Stella, when she was walking with her gun drawn into Rob's apartment. I just don't think she could do the job she does and have any real issue with guns. She's seemed plenty at ease with them this season.
Yeah, I'm starting to think the Lindsay-gun-combat issue was just oversight instead of characterization...though I'm still sort of willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on that, since I think it's weird that she seems to actively avoiding using
/shooting the gun outside of the lab. It
is fun to see Lindsay carrying in the field, and she seemed fine with that in this episode; but it still struck me as a little odd that she'd tackle the suspect in Dead Reckoning rather than shooting her. Yay for not causing unnecessary bullet holes, but I agree with everyone who thought it would've been easier to just shoot that girl. I might be proven wrong about that, though.
And in NWILL it was spur of the moment, too, which was why it was believable--or at least why it was possible to suspend disbelief. Here it just felt way too random... like why wouldn't they call an undercover officer in if they had time to send the police?
I agree about NWILL being more believable -- a little more, anyway -- but for me, Lindsay being the decoy was the least of the scene's problems as far as believability went. That's an issue I have with a lot of the show's undercover scenes, the perps' behaviour almost never make sense. Even if I could believe that Reyes felt he literally couldn't leave town without the one eyewitness being dead, and couldn't send one of his groupies after her instead, and
had to break into said known eyewitness's house by smashing the glass of the front door...I really, really couldn't buy him somehow missing
that many cops/SWAT members on his way to the girl's living room.

I just couldn't, and it bugged me. Some of them came in through the same living-room door that he used :lol: I liked the scene, but it was ridiculous.
Originally Posted by ~Sarah~
In New York City the people at the crime lab are detectives, not civilians. Other jurisdictions do have civilian technicians that work at the lab - but not in NYC.
It is possible that since in real life it's detectives that work at the crime lab that they decided to use it in the show.
Yeah, I figured that might be the explanation the show falls back on... I know the guys on Miami and LV refer to themselves as "CSI ____" when they're introducing themselves, whereas most of NY's characters introduce themselves as "Detective ____". I never really thought there was much to the difference, but maybe there's a different set of umbrella skills that all NYPD detectives (no matter what branch they work in) need to know, that the other CSI units don't?
Originally Posted by LVNYfan1113:
I have to comment on someone who said CSI: NY is unrealistic compared to the other CSIs. First of all I don't agree (have you seen or ever heard about Miami?). Second, NYPD Crime Scene Unit is composed of forensic detectives (in my favorite tv show's case, Mac, Stella, Danny, Lindsay, Hawkes). NYPD also has investagating detectives (more on Flack, but also Mac and Stella). This sets aside NY from the other CSIs. I didn't see Grissom chasing suspects but CSI is so good and that's how things work at Las Vegas. I have no objections on Lindsay as undercover.
I find it unrealistic because I'm a big LV fan; I still see CSIs as primarily science geeks, and I sometimes have believability issues with gun-toting science geeks on the spinoff shows (and to a lesser extent, LV's newer seasons). Yeah, I know Miami's by far the bigger problem in that regard, but I
can believe that since CSIs are part of the PD and go into dangerous environments, they'll carry and use guns. What I couldn't believe, before anyway, is that they might also be called on to go undercover, even on the spur-of-the-moment, because that seems so out of their job description. But maybe it's not for NYPD CSIs, and I do think NY is the only show where CSIs have ever gone undercover (?).
I didn't have a huge issue with Lindsay being undercover in this ep, either -- at least, not as much as I did in NWILL, to be honest. In NWILL she was supposed to play a character, here she just had to sit under a towel until Reyes snuck up on her. It would've made more sense with a trained undercover, but I don't think it was something that required all that much training to do.