i have a few thoughts, probably incoherent because of lack of sleep but here goes:
1: the whole slomo court room was beyond cheese, as was the rewinding scene to take it back 24 hours but that was also quite funny, i liked that they used actual rewinding noise over it (it made me want to sing that song "re-e-wind and the crowd say bo! selecta!" :lol
. also what's with the text on screen to say what day it is - have they gone all 24/L&O on us? i mean i see why they did it of course, but it was a bit irritating. but all of those were stylistic details so meh.
2: mac said "i'll put everyone i have on it!" - isn't that what usually happens?!
3: victim's mum said to stella "tell me why" and i instantly yelled "i don't like mondays" :lol: clearly they were pushing the "scenes evocative of songs" angle
4: danny & lindsay - i liked their interaction more today, although taking danny down the painkiller addiction route seems more and more likely, which is a shame because it's kinda old. i thought lindsay being bait again was good, her being bait in not what it looks like worked well and i think it's nice that she's kind of getting a bit more ballsy again instead of just a foil for danny. i liked that she was helpful when danny called her about the locker theft (although that was silly in itself: a locker that doesn't lock? a b&e in a spa? most clinics let you take your valuables in a small bag with you etc) and i liked that he called her, it showed a nicer side to their ship that isn't just angst/mush/both. oh and i have to say, the acupuncture needle at the top of the nose, that one always hurts like hell. i felt danny's pain!
5: i thought hawkes was great, it was nice to see more of him this time and doing what he does best in the field. when i saw the snow blower i thought it was something else and i thought "ooh! he combine harvested him!" oops...
6: adam being interrupted by mac & stella was great, classic adam, i loved it.
7: what we did see of mac i liked - how smiley was he at the start?! it's nice to see happy mac sometimes (although i do love dark and moody mac), and it was a nice continuation from the last ep. i really liked his chat with sarah hansen, as someone else said, he wasn't judgemental so much as sad for her, her husband etc. i think he handled it well, and i really liked his interrogation of rob too.
8: stella - it's been a while since we had such a stella centric ep, i liked it. as much as i adore mac, it is nice to see eps focussed on another character once in a while, and this was definitely melina's time to shine. she did a good job. i really liked her scenes with lindsay, it put a clear highlight on the female members of the team and i quite liked that they put the blokes in 2nd place for an ep - obviously it was a team effort but it seemed like stella was definitely in charge, with lindsay as her number 2 and the guys just kind of supporting them (with the possible exception of hawkes).
also on stella - does she have a new office? she always used to share an office with ... well, it seemed to vary who took the 2nd desk, but it was definitely a two desk office. this was a single desk office with a sofa, a bit like mac's - some one said they thought it was mac's office but i really don't think it was - there was no military memorabilia and mac's sofa is black, the one in this new office was red. maybe they've just finally realised that stella as mac's number 2 deserves an office of her own! either that or... well, new office, centric episode, very much the lead detective on a case - should mac be worried?!:lol:
oh i have a question too: in the original case, it was saying that antonio was going to get murder 2 - why was that? surely if he was in the house specificallly to murder the girl, and then murdered her, it would be murder 1? i don't know enough american law to judge, perhaps someone could enlighten me?
one more thing - as for sophie, i thought she did ok. her dialogue scene, such as it was, wasn't great, but i would imagine doing a first scene that could be critical to a career with your dad standing a few feet away would be a bit tough - god knows my driving deteriorates dramatically when my dad's in the area. i thought she did a better job in her non speaking scenes - she has a very expressive face.
overall i really liked it - i could've done with more mac (as ever!) but what i saw of him i liked, i thought stella did a great job as lead, i thought lindsay was pretty good too, and the boys did a good supporting act, although it was also nice to see hawkes have a good ep.
i really liked the way it felt like 2 cases again, i know technically it wasn't but it kind of was, and it worked really well. they should go back to that format more often.
i enjoyed it the whole way through, i really wasn't sure if the lawyer had done it til almost the end, i thought the twists worked well and was never quite sure if there was another one on the way, which is good, being kept guessing at least a bit is always nice. so i'm giving it an A.
1: the whole slomo court room was beyond cheese, as was the rewinding scene to take it back 24 hours but that was also quite funny, i liked that they used actual rewinding noise over it (it made me want to sing that song "re-e-wind and the crowd say bo! selecta!" :lol
2: mac said "i'll put everyone i have on it!" - isn't that what usually happens?!
3: victim's mum said to stella "tell me why" and i instantly yelled "i don't like mondays" :lol: clearly they were pushing the "scenes evocative of songs" angle
4: danny & lindsay - i liked their interaction more today, although taking danny down the painkiller addiction route seems more and more likely, which is a shame because it's kinda old. i thought lindsay being bait again was good, her being bait in not what it looks like worked well and i think it's nice that she's kind of getting a bit more ballsy again instead of just a foil for danny. i liked that she was helpful when danny called her about the locker theft (although that was silly in itself: a locker that doesn't lock? a b&e in a spa? most clinics let you take your valuables in a small bag with you etc) and i liked that he called her, it showed a nicer side to their ship that isn't just angst/mush/both. oh and i have to say, the acupuncture needle at the top of the nose, that one always hurts like hell. i felt danny's pain!
5: i thought hawkes was great, it was nice to see more of him this time and doing what he does best in the field. when i saw the snow blower i thought it was something else and i thought "ooh! he combine harvested him!" oops...
6: adam being interrupted by mac & stella was great, classic adam, i loved it.
7: what we did see of mac i liked - how smiley was he at the start?! it's nice to see happy mac sometimes (although i do love dark and moody mac), and it was a nice continuation from the last ep. i really liked his chat with sarah hansen, as someone else said, he wasn't judgemental so much as sad for her, her husband etc. i think he handled it well, and i really liked his interrogation of rob too.
8: stella - it's been a while since we had such a stella centric ep, i liked it. as much as i adore mac, it is nice to see eps focussed on another character once in a while, and this was definitely melina's time to shine. she did a good job. i really liked her scenes with lindsay, it put a clear highlight on the female members of the team and i quite liked that they put the blokes in 2nd place for an ep - obviously it was a team effort but it seemed like stella was definitely in charge, with lindsay as her number 2 and the guys just kind of supporting them (with the possible exception of hawkes).
also on stella - does she have a new office? she always used to share an office with ... well, it seemed to vary who took the 2nd desk, but it was definitely a two desk office. this was a single desk office with a sofa, a bit like mac's - some one said they thought it was mac's office but i really don't think it was - there was no military memorabilia and mac's sofa is black, the one in this new office was red. maybe they've just finally realised that stella as mac's number 2 deserves an office of her own! either that or... well, new office, centric episode, very much the lead detective on a case - should mac be worried?!:lol:
oh i have a question too: in the original case, it was saying that antonio was going to get murder 2 - why was that? surely if he was in the house specificallly to murder the girl, and then murdered her, it would be murder 1? i don't know enough american law to judge, perhaps someone could enlighten me?
one more thing - as for sophie, i thought she did ok. her dialogue scene, such as it was, wasn't great, but i would imagine doing a first scene that could be critical to a career with your dad standing a few feet away would be a bit tough - god knows my driving deteriorates dramatically when my dad's in the area. i thought she did a better job in her non speaking scenes - she has a very expressive face.
overall i really liked it - i could've done with more mac (as ever!) but what i saw of him i liked, i thought stella did a great job as lead, i thought lindsay was pretty good too, and the boys did a good supporting act, although it was also nice to see hawkes have a good ep.
i really liked the way it felt like 2 cases again, i know technically it wasn't but it kind of was, and it worked really well. they should go back to that format more often.
i enjoyed it the whole way through, i really wasn't sure if the lawyer had done it til almost the end, i thought the twists worked well and was never quite sure if there was another one on the way, which is good, being kept guessing at least a bit is always nice. so i'm giving it an A.