Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

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Hello everyone. I'm new as a poster here. I've lurked for years. I was a member of another GSR board a while back, but the level of craziness from the mods caused me to leave.

It seems nice over here. I look forward to contributing. On another note, I'm so happy Sara is back on CSI!!!

Hello everyone. I'm new as a poster here. I've lurked for years. I was a member of another GSR board a while back, but the level of craziness from the mods caused me to leave.

It seems nice over here. I look forward to contributing. On another note, I'm so happy Sara is back on CSI!!!

Welcome, GrisTryst! Always great to have more GSR posters here. We try to maintain a level of semi-controlled 'craziness' on this board. :)

Thanks for the ring pic, x3nity. It is a lovely site!

CBS is rerunning 'One To Go' tonight. I love rewatching that ending, over and over and over again. :adore:
Welcome GrisTryst! Glad you could join us :D We are all very friendly on this GSR board, so don't be afraid to join in, or ask us questions ;) We'll be more than happy to help.

Desert, you're very welcome. I thought I recognized the problem. Is the PM system working for you and GeekLove<3 now?

Aww X3nity I LOVE that ring pic. That one is very clear, thanks for posting. I heard that there wasn't any mention of Gris in the last episode, but there were many shots of Sara's wedding ring :D At least TPTB are giving us something :lol:

And I love the shaving scene. Very 'intimate' :hugegrin:

One To Go hasn't been repeated here in the UK yet. I can't wait until it does. But, the ending is just something every GSR fan has to watch over and over and over again :luvlove::adore: So addictive... :lol:
Welcome GrisTryst. :)

Yes, we can finally PM each other. Thanks so much MissMurder. :thumbsup:

That ring pic is awesome! <3 I think Coco said this once already, but I remember watching 10 years ago and hoping for something like this but never really expecting it to happen. 10 years ago I never would have thought they'd get this far. :D
I find myself pausing the broadcast whenever I see the ring just because I still can't believe it. It's been awesome being a part of this for 10 years.

Now, if we can only get a little onscreen Grissom...

Oh welcome aboard GrisTryst, have fun here. Enjoy your stay til it last.

On the go for the 'husband' sightings, though Grissom was never mention on this episode it is as if i do not miss him? Here's why.

This pic, it looks like Grissom's shade, Sara's using it. :lol:

Sara's smile here on the lake/pond is amusing.

She remembers Griss? *Something on my gsr mind.*

And when i saw this, I remember this one.

(Aaahh... i think this should be in the 'you know you've watched too much csi when...' thread.) Yeah, I'm nuts. :lol:

Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Ooh, totally love having those 'you know you've watched too much csi when...' moments. Although you feel so stupid and like such a fangirl/guy... But then I think , yay, I'm a CSI fangirl, couldn't have chosen a more awesome show!

Loving Sara with the ring! I haven't been looking for it or stopping, but now I want to go back and do so. And I was also wondering about the engagement ring, maybe he will give it to her when he comes to visit (still daydreaming about GSR reunions)

I'm sooo happy Sara is back 'indefinately'... it's brilliant.

Hello to Sam, the awesome new person! Great to have you! =)

I'm off to sleep... Goodnight monchiere (I know what I mean)
Hey SA_Kate how's Denmark?, found any guys that look like Billy Petersen yet?:p and a big welcome to you GrisTryst
glad you here, our mods are cool, so not to worry. And I swear x3nity you've got a eye like a hawk:eek: I've watched that ep. 3 times and still haven't noticed her ring:confused: thank's for the memories as well. and GOODIE GeekLove on the messed up pm's. And MissMurder come on more often~ I was lucky last night after all the kids went away and after the World Series [GO Yankees] to catch "One To Go" what a phenomenal epsiode. One of the best ever. Grissom and Ray and offering him the job. the dead skeletons EWWW, the freak show who was Haskells side kick, holding that poor girl hostage, Brass hugging her. Grissom and his raport with his buddies saying goodbye and the last scene SMOULDERING

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That picture that says "The Seduction of Sara Sidle", I remember reading that a few years ago. :eek: It was a fan fic on I think..
And MissMurder come on more often~

Hey Desert, sorry I haven't been online in a while. University had been getting a bit hectic. I've had a lot lab reports and essays to do. Still have to finish them :rolleyes:

One to Go is such a great episode, sad too. It was really emotional when the music started and Grissom walks through the lab looking at every member of the team. But, his reunion with Sara made it bittersweet. Bitter because he was leaving, Sweet because he was back with the love of his life.

This pic, it looks like Grissom's shade, Sara's using it. :lol:

Hey X3nity, those really do look like Grissom's shades. Desert is right, you have eyes like a hawk! :D Well spotted! Looks like Mrs. Grissom is borrowing her husband's stuff :lol:

GeekLove<3, I have read the fic "The Seduction of Sara Sidle" as well. I think it was on I'm sure it's still online somewhere. I could have a look for it if you want?
Thank's GeekLove that is the big one, and I found the little one on another site, and downloaded it to my photobucket account. I'm going to focus on that "ring" and watch it again. Maybe Sara will mention Grissom as time goes on, it's gotta happen. Good luck MissMurder on your studies, stick with it'll pay off in the long haul;) just come on when you can~

This pic, it looks like Grissom's shade, Sara's using it. :lol:
Hey X3nity, those really do look like Grissom's shades. Desert is right, you have eyes like a hawk! :D Well spotted! Looks like Mrs. Grissom is borrowing her husband's stuff :lol:​
Dang, i don't know if that is a good sign or not, hawk's eye what? Yeah maybe, like SA_Kate said: feel so stupid and like such a fangirl/guy...
And i feel so shy now. Crazy and stupid, not good combo. ;)
Well, Desertwind i just noticed and ooggling at the ring, how come you did not see it? You deserved punishment (kidding). And speaking of the ring, i have a question. What do you think the engraving inside? Would it be just plain 'Gilbert Grissom'? Common now fellowship of the gsr force, have it your say. Aww, spoil me. ;)

I have read the fic "The Seduction of Sara Sidle" as well. I think it was on I'm sure it's still online somewhere. I could have a look for it if you want?
I read that one too before, and also the sequel, "Grissom's Overture". It is beautiful, recommended to read.
x3nity I do need to be punished:( I will watch it again and will zero in on that. I guess I was so into the ep. I didn't notice. An having a 'hawk eye' means you're very observant, and I'm not:confused: That's cool that you've go those little pics. and [btw] how do you post those? So another ep. Thurs. and I fanatically hope that Sara says something revelant about her partner/husband and what he's up too, way over there in Paris. or a phone call that we could all hear:evil:here's a description of a fanatic:eek:

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind, and won't change the subject" Winston Churchill~ does that sound like us? I'll cop to that and am proud to have participated in this fabulous romance the only ship that ever sailed on this CSI

LEAPIN' LIZARDS S/7 Them in their condo with Hank:)
Unfortunately, no Sara or Grissom in this last episode. I was a good episode, but very sad. It made me miss GSR even more, since their scenes helped to lighten even some of the darkest episodes for me.
Jorja is not scheduled to be in next week's episode, so hopefully we will get a lot in the following episode, 'Lover's Lanes'. According to some tweets from DLA, she will be 'all over' that episode, whatever that means.

A bit of a drought, but I'm trying to hang in there!
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