Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I went with studio albums for the same reasons. I'm just not crazy about all the noise that comes with live albums.
I think it really depends on the band for me. Like, I love hearing Bryan Adams live, unplugged was a really good album (though I like his studio albums as well), some artists just really suck at live albums.
I think it really depends on the band & musician. A couple of bands that sounds really awesome live is The Eagles & Metric. However, there are some bands & muscians who benefit from having their music done in a studio 'cause they may suck live.
Band one... sometimes if the band just sits there and sings, it's a lot better than them running around a stage. :lol:
^ Ouh man! The Eagles! Now you know that their live performance was friggin' awesome!! How could I have missed that? I don't know. :p
I like both Live and Studio albums. But I like Live (unplugged) slightly more. Listening to the songs I like played/sung live give me goosebumps because some bands just sound better live. The quality of the music and the atmosphere you get from the crowd is awesome. I feel as if I'm right there at their concert. :) But there are some who can't sing to save their souls and they should be locked up in a safe and dumped into the ocean. I feel so embarrassed for these bands/singers who cant sing live yet they call themselves musicians.
It really depends on the band. I generally like Studio albums better, but I have heard some great live albums.
I voted "Studio Album". I've never really gone for Live Albums. Maybe it's because I don't really like the sounds of people clapping or cheering in the background :lol:. Kind of distracting.

^Same here. Tho sometimes it makes me giggle when I listen to some Finnish band that sings in English and they keep swearing or something in Finnish there :lol:
I went for Not Really - we used to ages ago, but our recycling box kept being nicked, so we stopped bothering in the end :p
I've always thought Finland is insane country for recycling. Along with Austria.

There's companies and every house have made a contract with the company. Of course no one tells us to take glass bottles and stuff to recycling poing but how else to get rid of those? Well, bury those to the ground.

So yeah, we have at home seperate sections for metal and glass... and of course all biological waste - what goes down to field with moopoo :p

We burn as much as we can with wood (since we heat with logs). So yeah, it's quite automatic
Picked "yes, I try", even if, to be honest, I'm obsessed with recycling. :rolleyes:
In Italy there's a weird system for such things: in the North we have strict rules and recycle the most we can (being the industrial part of the country, we're much more interested in keeping the territory clean), but in the South no one recycles (all the contrary, actually. It's a shame).
I voted yes. :)

Although as wibble said, we also have problems with the recycling boxes getting nicked and on a windy day they blow away up the road. Whenever I go to work after the recycling men have been, I usually have to swerve to avoid running them over. :lol:
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