Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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Master of the Moos
First, all read this.

The polls are made only by me or wibble

Of course you can suggest questions to us but we do the polls. Thread will be locked if this doesn't go that way.

Why this?
Because otherwise it will get too messy.
We got thru first thread well like this and I think we can go with this one too :)

I start by repeating abc's poll
Good idea. I was starting to get confused.
I am organized at work but at home it is another story.
Does that mean yes and no? :lol:
Footyliz said:
Oh yeah, I'm a little OCD about it actually, I get a touch twitchy when things are out of place :rolleyes:

Oh me too! I've trusted my boyfriend with tidying this week seeing as I was sick and I'm dreading venturing down stairs.
I voted 'yes'...I cannot stand it if things aren't where thry're supposed to be, lol. I may have my own system for filing things that others may not understand, but it's very organized, and I know right where my things are. :lol:
Yes. Most of the time I'm organized (my friend goes crazy over the millions of nested folders in my pc). There are still times though that I get lazy and just leave things hanging..
I am so disorganized that it's not funny. i can never find anything or remember where i put stuff.
It really 50/50 for me, there are some days i am so organized i scare me, and other days when i am like UGGG that i scare others. :lol: So i picked the positive. :D
I voted yes. :) I keep an organizer. I'd be lost without it! :eek: Reports, schedules, meetings... they're all planned ahead. :)

But my room, eh... that's a different story. :p
I voted 'yes'. I straighten pictures/painting on other people's walls. I alphabetise my books (and I have loads, so it always keeps me busy when I buy new books), I alphabetise my CDs and my parents'. There shouldn't be any mess on my desk, otherwise I can't work. I keep everything in neatly organised files and folders etc. etc. etc. :rolleyes:
I'm an organised person....except when it comes to my bedroom, then that's different story. I respect people's spaces, they just don't respect mine. I like to live in "Creative Chaos," Outside my room, I'm one of the most organised people you'll meet.
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