Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

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I'm sorry for that kid and his/her parents :(. Uhm...yup, I wish I could take it back but I don't hate lightning and thunderstorm because they can be naturally deadly.
I voted that I liked him.. I think I'm somewhere in between dislike and like, but I wouldn't have a reason for actually disliking him. I like seeing old video material of him in tight carrotpants :lol:
I also voted that I Like him, for the same reason as Jayne I'm somewhere in between dislike and like, as I lean more towards like so I went for like. :)
It really depends on the band. I agree with sandersidle there, some bands are better live. For example; Editors. They are sooo good live.
I voted "Studio Album". I've never really gone for Live Albums. Maybe it's because I don't really like the sounds of people clapping or cheering in the background :lol:. Kind of distracting.
For the Mick Jagger poll, I voted that I like him. I love The Rolling Stones, but for him personally I don't have any reason to love him nor do I have reason to hate him.

For the next poll, I voted it depends on the band. I noticed that with a couple bands I lioke their live stuff but it drags on after a while. The Allman Brothers is one of those bands, they did this song Mountatin Jam it's about 34 minutes long. My main problem with it is that with no vocals it gets boring after a while. If a band stays close to the original and doesn't make a song too long, than I like live better.
I picked 'Studio Album'. I like to hear a much more 'full' sound than something recorded live. Studio recorded songs also make it easier to listen to, without the distraction of people, or background noise as CSIsMANIAC pointed out.

And it's better that the artists are not out of tune on a studio recorded album. They had more time to prepare, thus making the song sound it's best. (Technology doesn't hurt either. ;) ) So studio is the best for me. :)
Maybe it's because I don't really like the sounds of people clapping or cheering in the background :lol:. Kind of distracting.
Yeah, I pretty much feel the same way. Some bands sound so good live and can really put on a great performance, it's a shame I can't stand the background noise. Live acoustic is not so bad as you get minimal crowd noise - large venues or festivals not so minimal. :lol: :p

I voted for studio album. :D
I absolutely hate Mick Jagger. I thikn this is mainly because in my eyes Steven Tyler is the best guy alive, and so many people get them mixed up that it seriously annoys me! :mad: lol

and I much prefer Studio albums. There are a couple of songs which I prefer live but mostly I prefer music from a studio :)

ETA: the thing that I find most irritating about live albums is that if you have music on quietly for some reason (i.e. going to sleep) then at the end of the song it becomes really loud because of all the clapping etc.. To me that is the most annoying part of the clapping
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