Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

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Oh, well. It hadn't quite been twenty-four hours, and I often get nagged about things. I cannot win.

That quote was when Morgan and Emily were taking Dante inside, and the Press was, like, attacking them. Rossi came out, saying he had "an official statement" to divert the attention. And then either Morgan or Em (I don't remember which one) said "Is he going to be okay?", hoping the reporters didn't, like, kill him. And the other answered, "He has a gun. He'll be all right."

I can't be sure if Rossi said that or not. It seems like he would be more professional, but you're right. You never can tell with him.

Alex, we definitely jinxed JJ. Except when I said I kind of wanted someone hurt with Morgan In Charge, I meant for more than five seconds of their worry. And I'd rather JJ have a worse Bad Thing at some point. But, whatever. I'll take one little freak out moment over none.
Yeah, I meant a full episode, too, but I'll take what we can get.

I heard Morgan say "He'll be all right", so Emily must have asked if Rossi'd be okay.

He is more professional than that, but I wouldn't be surprised if he sarcastically said it. But then the press would be all "The FBI hates LA!" and that'd be bad.
Well, everyone hates the FBI anyway, so, whatever.

I am SO mad. On Wednesday, we had no school, so at one, I was looking for something to watch. At 1:30, I realized 'Damaged' wasn't on, which I've wanted to see for forever. I got to see the second half, but then my mom wouldn't tape it while I was at church. FAIL. I did, however, see Hotch about to get the beat down on that one serial killer, and Rossi and his children issue.

Who is this Fox guy? I don't think I've seen the episode with him in it.
I think it's an episode from Season 1. I suppose I need to go find it, although I probably won't need to to follow along with the continuity.

I didn't know that next week was a previous!UnSub ep until Elizabeth Bear mentioned it.

Actually, this makes it creepier that he knows Emily's name. Because he has absolutely no reason to.
I know it's from Season 1, I just haven't seen it.

Um, yeah... Majorly creepy. Do we have another stalker? Because, honestly? That's always really good.
Hmm... there's a possibility that the UnSub was stalking the BAU (from jail?), which would give him a reason to know Emily's name. Does not make it any less creepy.

And unless they edited the promo in order to make us think it, he's not repeating her name after someone else says it. Because her reaction looked to me like it was a "W...T...F...?" expression.
Awww. Happy birthday Joe!

Alex, I'm watching the second half of your favorite episode. This is the first time I've seen '52 Pickup', lol. I. Want. Snark.

Um. No. That is not less creepy at all. And she DID looked freaked out.

Do we actually know when the Freaking-Out-One-of-the-Girls episode is? Because I'm kind of tired of guessing, lol.
Bah. I hate that episode. I love Emily being mocked by her "little brothers", but other than that I didn't like it. Jordan being Jordan didn't help.

Happy Birthday, Joe! (I have 47 minutes before it's no longer his birthday, so there.)

I'm pretty sure that it's this episode. I thought it was last week, so it'd make sense to be off by an episode. Although I'd have to say that it's probably the episode. Because "serial killer knowing your name without being introduced to you" would definitely freak you out.

Poor Emily. It was her turn for the creep of the week, I suppose.
Well, I only saw the second half, but Flirty!Em and Morgan teaching Reid how to pick up chicks was love.

And I have no problem with Jordan, other than the fact that she isn't Jayje.

I'm excited for that episode, no matter when it is or which girl.

But, yeah. If some serial creeper knew my name... It would scare me, too. I know there isn't a whole lot that scares Em, but I think she does need to be scared at some point. Because always being able to compartmentalize just isn't as fun.
I think I might be the only person that doesn't like Jordan. I don't really know why I don't like her. I just... don't.

I remember it being a single-digit episode, and it wasn't the hundredth. Since next week's is the eighth and the hundredth is the ninth... yeah.

I don't really think "serial killer knows my name even though he really shouldn't" is something that can be compartmentalized. It's kind of... well, scary. Because I don't really think an FBI team is something that you can just look up in a newspaper, especially if you're in jail. Unless for some reason he isn't, but I don't think four years is the length of a prison sentence for serial murder, unless someone really screwed up.

I'm strangely fascinated with the promo for this episode. And I really really want it to be next Wednesday, now.
^^ You're not alone, Alex. I don't really like Jordan either.

This week's episode was interesting. I have to admit, though, I already miss the banter between Morgan and Garcia. :(

I can't wait for next week's! :D
Well, I haven't seen much of Jordan, but I just guess I don't have a real reason NOT to like her... Other than the previously stated fact that she is not Jayje. She's a good fill-in. She's nice and sweet and she can do her job. And then she can leave and we can not care.

I don't know why the banter stopped. But it upsets me. Greatly. I mean, it's been lacking lately and now it has to stop? I am sorry. This Fangirl can't handle that.

I an't wait. Of course, I can't wait for CM in general. But this week and next week excites me.

Okay. So, it basically has to be this episode or they lied. Makes sense.

That's true. And it's not like he has access to computers or anything. So... That's even scarier. And I'm thinking that she won't appear scared in front of him, but she'll probably need to be comforted later. Which is always my favorite part. If they take care of her like they took care of Jayje last week, I will be a very happy person. Family Scenes are the best.

That promo was sweet. I kind of want to go obsessively watch it on YouTube now.
Does anyone know if there is anywhere online that I can watch this episode? I taped it (along with the csi crossovers and numbers) and was going to watch it today, so I rewound the tape in my rewinder and the stupid rewinder ate it. The tape was brand new before I recorded Monday's Miami on it. I really wanted to watch this episode. I don't know if there is anywhere online where I can watch it (for free). I guess I could pay a couple of dollars to watch it on amazon if I had to, but I prefer to watch it free if there's a place for it lol.
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