Your favorite season so far?

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Season 5 I think had everybody working as a team. There didn't seem to be me I the boss. Ok so Catherine did it but I wasn't impressed with her bossy atitude anyways. Season 5 was also very good because it had some very good Nick moments-Grave Danger, Snakes, Crows Feet, Swap Meet. They were all very yummy
I chose season 5. It had the best balance between well written cases and great character development. Also, it felt good that the show improved after the very weak season 4.
Well,I choose S5 winthin the choice as my favourite Greg became a CSI finally in this season. But actually I like S6 more and S7 seems to be very good too=]
I chose S4! There was so much GSR goodness in this season!! :D "Butterflied" was the best GSR episode. We got to see the beard for the first time!! :D "Jackpot" was awesome. An episode of nothing but Grissom. The backwards cap, the blue jeans, it was too much!! :D And let's not forget "Invisible Evidence" with the infamous "Pin me Down" scene!! :lol:
i liked season 5 the best. there are some episodes in season 4 that i really loved but i like s5, maybe its cause i have the box set so i can watch it alot..but "down the drain" *loves yobling* :D
I had a hard time choosing between seasons 1 and 2. I voted for season 2 because of the much improved wardrobes. :lol: Anyway, to me the best seasons will always be the early seasons. :)
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