Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI NY!

Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Ok once I had a dream where I met the CSIs (no not the actors) the CSIs and it was so awesome cuz it seemed really realistic and i was so excited and i told my friend and my sister and they were like what the hell are u smoking? I was so excited though bcuz it was the best dream ever. Then another time I had a dream with Greg and it was wonderful but this time I kept it to myself.

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Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Weird! Heh, yeah, best keeping the really explicit dreams to yourself... :devil:

I got a weird one too. It was like the show 'Lost', bt is was Horatio Caine and me. Then blah blah blah, blah blah, long story, and then we make out on the beach, and....yeah. And then came the weir part! The dream switched the the movie 'Lion King 1' and me and Horatio (As lions!) are play wrestling and flirting in the jungle! Just like Simba and Nala did. It was extremely weird. I stayed in my bed for 5 minutes thying to get past it.

And then a dream about my friend marching around my room playing the bag-pipes, but that a different story. :lol:
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a dream that Danny took off his sunglasses and pulled a 'Horatio'... almost like this:
"I'm going to Montana."
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

The other night I had a dream that I was speaking to Flack and Stella in 'Russian'. I don't think it was really Russian, but it was supposed to be. And I think Flack understood me, although I was talking kind of fast and he had trouble keeping up.

I really have no idea why, because I forgot the rest of the dream. :lol:
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I've had 2 about Jim recently. And 1 about Gil. Thats makes me a very happy bunny! :D
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

i had one that me and the NY team were investigating a murder at a warehouse and i kept saying to Danny "is there film in this camera" because i didn't know how to check. then we were in my school library dancing on the tables. i also have dreams were CSIs rescue me from fires.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Mine came when I drifted off for a nap. I dreamed i was watching the news and they had informed the public that CSI was being removed from television due to the high demand for more forensic reality shows. Then of course I woke up and realized it wasn't true.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Ihad the wierdest dream last night that Emily Proccter babysat me and my sister...umm, I don't even watch CSI:Miami!
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a dream last night...

I saw Speed and he said to me

"Someone once told me that the crazy people live on Earth with us."

See the thing is, this is something of an answer to one of my prayers. I prayed that my life was really stressful, and i couldn't take much more of it without going crazy! And then i had this dream.

Maybe....Speed is an angel... XD. Now i know that can't be true, but maybe in a way.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a Dream once that I was Calleigh...and Horatio cmae up behind me in the locker room...and put his arms around my waist..and I turned my head.. and was like "Well Hi,Horatio!" and he was like "Maam. I-I have a confession to make." And me:"Oh? Wat is it, Darlin'?" Horatio: "I..Am in love with you." Me: "Oh,Horatio! I never Dreamed..." (Blushing) Horatio takes my chin in his hand, gently turning my face towards him, and kisses me...I kiss him back,of course...Then Eric walked in..... And Said "I think Marisol would Approve" Horatio looks up "Eric...I KNO she would" I smiled, and woke up. Wat's REALLY weird is that I fell back asleep and it was the same dream, but this time Eric was followed by Sherlock Holmes in a speedo.... I'm sorry is that over the pg 13 rating?
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

No, a speedo doesn't go over PG-13, although it is disturbing. :lol: :p
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had another couple CSI las vegas dreams, I have them a lot, not that I'm complaining!!! Except I did have a weird one last night about Keppler being in Taekwondo helping me with a kick........ It sort of scared me... :lol:
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a dream, all in all, Horatio and me went to a CLUB and DANCED DISCO! It was so friggin awesome and real feeling, and then he went outside, and when i was going to jump up onto my crotchrocket and go, we hugged and kissed a really romantic kiss! *dreamy sigh*
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I keep having this reoccuring dream that i'm Grissoms adopted daughter and I keep convincing him to get together with Sara, its kinda funny. oh and then in the end Greg fell in love with me :p my dream ending :p