Your Blood Type?

What is Your Blood Type?

  • A+

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • A-

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • B+

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • AB+

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • AB-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0+

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • 0-

    Votes: 5 14.3%

  • Total voters
I am A-. I would like to donate blood, but since I'm anemic they tell me that they can't take it anyway.
I am an organ donor though, so I guess that's one good thing. :)

And if I'm remembering correctly from AP Biology, the RH-/+ thing is just the -/+ beside the A,B, or O. It is not a seperate blood type within itself, just an additional breakdown to the regular blood type.
Erm - what's the rare blood type? I thought everything falls under ABO, then there is subcategories and 30 different groups - rhesus is one of those
And all people are either RH+ or RH-

My mom is RH- and my dad was RH+ those are their blood types. They do not have any extra letters. RH can be a category by itself, hence why it is rare.

Erm.. that still didn't explain it. It told how what Rhesus is and how it is problem with pregnancies.

Like me being A+ means I am A Rhesus+
So I can say I am Rh+

They are all own groups, just all about different antigens. Or rhesus is just subcategory for the ABO system. First they check your antigens (ABO), then rhesus (Rh, you have it or you don't)


I guess this explains it well

That's all fine and well but there are no other letters involved with my blood type. Believe me or not but it does exist. It's amazing how people cannot be open to things they do not know and try to disprove others and in doing so make them not want to interact anymore.
Ooooooh, I get it... so since I got an A plus on my blood type :lol: I am therefore RH+

Cool. Good to know!

starzsgirl, all people are either RH+ or RH-, that much I knew. The article you linked to was informative and interesting, but doesn't say that the RH factor is a distinct blood type that a person can have instead of the ABO system. The RH blood types are almost always identified in addition to the ABO types that we all have (sometimes it's not just the + or -, sometimes it's fully labeled RhD+ and RhD-... I just looked all this up).
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I'm O-

As far as I know I can donate blood, I haven't tried. :(

I am an organ donor and registered with the Illinois Organ Donor database.

Not that I want to get in an argument about blood types :lol:

Here's a list of rare blood types. However, if you click some of the links, there is a section that states everyone has an ABO blood type.

another link

I don't know everything I've looked at states that everyone has an ABO marker with an RH factor and if the father has an RH factor different from the mother's it can cause problems with the baby. That could be why you can't donate blood. However, I'm no expert and I'm not saying anyone is wrong, I'm just going by what I've read.

Yup, I had to look it up because I wanted to know. I do that sometimes. :lol:
I am A+. I have never been able to donate blood, because my iron count is consistently too low.

I am an organ donor. I am also registered on the bone marrow donor list.
That's all fine and well but there are no other letters involved with my blood type. Believe me or not but it does exist. It's amazing how people cannot be open to things they do not know and try to disprove others and in doing so make them not want to interact anymore.

I'd believe if you could show me something that states it's possible.

Well if your mother is taken to the hospital and she needs blood, if they know what bloodtype it is, they give her that but if they don't - they'll give her 0-

There are 30 different blood type groups (antigens), some are very rare but ABO is found from everyone, Rh is either there or is not. Of course you may have rare blood because you may have some rare antigen.

Heh, I just read that in Finland they try to find people who belong to blood type group Jk-3, that is part of Kidd blood group. About 0.03% of Finns have that and it doesn't appear anywhere else in Europe.

I'm O-

As far as I know I can donate blood, I haven't tried. :(

I am an organ donor and registered with the Illinois Organ Donor database.

Not that I want to get in an argument about blood types :lol:

Here's a list of rare blood types. However, if you click some of the links, there is a section that states everyone has an ABO blood type.

another link

I don't know everything I've looked at states that everyone has an ABO marker with an RH factor and if the father has an RH factor different from the mother's it can cause problems with the baby. That could be why you can't donate blood. However, I'm no expert and I'm not saying anyone is wrong, I'm just going by what I've read.

If mother is Rh- and baby Rh+, it can be trouble [I hope I remembered it right]

I think it's kind of cool to check the national tables that show what blood type is the most common in what country. E.g. in USA it's 0, in Finland it's A. And here in north they have different kind of A than in south.

As I said in our older thread, I remember when we tested our blood types in biology class, there was 16 of us and 15 were A and only one was B. Test didn't tell rhesus factor tho.

And then the next question, has anyone read about myths about blood groups? I mean there are stuff that specifies your diet?
For example it says A-group should be vegetarian, for those in O-group seafood is better, same with red meat but pork and stuff are bad.

And then tha Japanese believe a certain blood type affetcs to person's personality etc.
I'm O- :)

I've been donating for about 5 years now. I did stop donating blood though, because I feel queezy for about a week after I donate. I do donate blood plasma now about twice a month. Here, you can donate every two weeks. It takes about a good half hour and I feel absolutely nothing afterwards.

I've been put on hold now to donate blood plasma because my sister has mononucleosis (yes, the kissing disease :p), just in case I would be infected. I'm back on the list in about two weeks.

About organ donating, here in Belgium everyone is an organ donor, except if you unregister with the authorities. I think this is great system. There's no need for hassle to find out whether you're an organ donor or not. Everyone is, period. :p
I am rh - and if I remenber well if you are rh - and the baby is + there is no problem during pregnancy but if the blood is mixed during the delivery then you start to fabricate antibody and you can have problems for the next pregnancy.
I'm O+, cannot donate blood for the next year because I was in Africa over the summer... There are rules over here meaning that I cannot donate blood for the next year as there are so many disease which I could have caught while I was in Uganda.

To the other question, yep I'm on the organ donar register here in the UK, have been for a couple of years now.
I'm O- :)

I've been donating for about 5 years now. I did stop donating blood though, because I feel queezy for about a week after I donate. I do donate blood plasma now about twice a month. Here, you can donate every two weeks. It takes about a good half hour and I feel absolutely nothing afterwards.

Yes, plasma can be donated every two weeks. That is the reason why some people can reach up to 200 times donating. I read interview, from webpage of Finnish Blood Service, of a man who had donated 401 times. This was done in 2005 so who knows how much he has donated now, because he'll have time until 2010 to donate.

Ah yes, some countries cause break in donating, and at least here there's a question if you've lived over 6 months in UK during 1980-1996 (CJD). And if any of your relatives have CJD.

Oh yesterday, first time I felt dizzy later on, I guess I got up too early. I mean, it hit me 20min after I left Blood Service.

And one more thing... I think it's kind of cool when after the donation is over and you still lay down there, the nurse just says "Thank you, you've helped three people" :)
I am rh - and if I remenber well if you are rh - and the baby is + there is no problem during pregnancy but if the blood is mixed during the delivery then you start to fabricate antibody and you can have problems for the next pregnancy.

Very true. But nowadays there is little to worry about. There is a drug called Rhogam that can be given to the mother that counteracts the problem. It can be given either before delivery or immediately after.
And then the next question, has anyone read about myths about blood groups? I mean there are stuff that specifies your diet?
For example it says A-group should be vegetarian

wow, thats quite a generalization they have made! im a+ and could never go veggie!

i donated blood once, but probably will not again. they just throw away your plasma, and you lose antibodies every time they do. i paid $600 for my rabies antibodies, im not having them thrown away! kind of sucks though, because they need blood, but if they could come up with a way to take my red blood cells and give me the plasma back i would gladly do it.

i am an organ donor though, and also said my body can be donated to science if they cant take my organs. you dont need them once you are gone, why not give them away for a good cause? i would also be a living donor if need be for my family of close friends if i were a match.
I'm O+
I have donated blood twice in my life when I was in college...
Now I can't do it anymore cause I'm Anemic:(
A+ Blood and I eat both meat and veggies but to each their own. ;)

I only donate blood when they need to run tests. I would give farther but around here there were some problems a while back about.. lets just say it wasn't safe. They claim to have fixed it, but....

As to organ donor I use to be but that lapsed and one wonders how does that happen you go through the DMV (or BMV) when you renew your plates or License the only problem is I wasn't asked, I forgot to do it, (so the sticker is on my license) and the little card I use to carry (note use to) is gone when my nephew was younger go a hold of it and had fun with the shredder.

I know I need to get this all redone, and I will my license is up for renewal next year I think, so I will get the sticker and card then. My nephew is now old enough to stay out of my stuff. :)