Your Blood Type?

What is Your Blood Type?

  • A+

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • A-

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • B+

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • AB+

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • AB-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 0+

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • 0-

    Votes: 5 14.3%

  • Total voters
Aw, that sucks indeed. But allergies don't necessarily mean you can't donate. I'm allergic to a zillion things (including fruit and uncooked vegetables, trust me, I'm not a very healthy person :p) but I'm still allowed to donate.
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I know that there is no impediment to donating blood. It obviously depends on how serious the allegy is. I need cortisone (in the form of ointment) for some of my allergies, as I cannot avoid it completely. So it's no mild allergy.

It sucks. You're lucky, I guess. Not for all your allergies, but the fact that you're still allowed to donate.
Yeah, allergies don't matter if you don't have any symptoms at that moment when you donate. I have allergies as well, dust, cows, cats, dogs, hay, pollen... nuts, apples, citrus :p

I remember questions as well

Have you ever been told to stop donating blood?
Do you have a job or hobby where dizzyness can cause a dangerous situation?
In past 2 weeks, have you been ill, seen a doc or been at the dentist?
In past 2 weeks, have you used some medicine
Have you been vaccined in past 4 weeks?
Are you treated because of some illness?
In past 6 months, have you been in hospital or had a surgery etc?
Have you ever got blood transfer? (If got in nordic countries, quaranteen is 4 months, outside nordic countries, you are banned)
In pat 4 months, have you got any new piercings or tattoos+
You ever had sex disease and got treated?
in past 6 months, have you lived outside the Nordic Countries?
Have you lived in UK over 6 months between 1980-1996?
Have you or your partner ever used or tried drugs, stereoids or hormones?
Do you or your relateve have CJD?
Have you had new sex partner is past 4 months?
Have you or your partner paid for sex (got paid) in past 12 months?

And then for men there are questions if they've had sex with a man

Then there is some questions about some specific diseased (like heart diseases)
^Here, gay people in general aren't even allowed to donate. I get why statistically, but still, if they measure up to the same standards as heterosexuals, why not let them? There's a shortage in donor's blood anyway, why not enlarge the fishing pond?
^Here, gay people in general aren't even allowed to donate. I get why statistically, but still, if they measure up to the same standards as heterosexuals, why not let them? There's a shortage in donor's blood anyway, why not enlarge the fishing pond?

it is the same here. Of course it's not just gay, it's bi also. Of course there probably is people who won't admit it anywhere.
Bisexual too? It's a bit different here. Men are allowed to give blood here if they are gay. But NOT if they have had sex with other men. So they don't get denied just because they are gay. Bisexuals are allowed to give blood, as long as it's no man who have had sex with other men. OR a woman who has sex with a man who has had sex with another man. Now when I checked, thse women have to wait at least 6 months before they are allowed to donor blood. But these men are never allowed to donor blood.

It's apparently an old rule, as people used to believe that male homosexuals could get HIV/AIDS more easily than others. I even know a guy who's gay and used to donor blood. When he wanted be honest and tell the blood donor agency the truth, they wanted him to leave and never come back and donate.
Bisexual too? It's a bit different here. Men are allowed to give blood here if they are gay. But NOT if they have had sex with other men. So they don't get denied just because they are gay. Bisexuals are allowed to give blood, as long as it's no man who have had sex with other men. OR a woman who has sex with a man who has had sex with another man.

erm that was pretty much my point - I assumed everyone will have sex sometime :p
of course if you are bi-guy but never had sex with a guy, then it's not a issue but if you have had... just like you said.
i think one of my questions was "have you had sex with a man who has had sex with a man" and i was like :wtf: if your blood is clean i dont see why they discriminate against homosexuals. straight people have aids too you know! there was an episode of degrassi the next generation about the issue, and it was quite ridiculous actually.
I'm AB+. Couldn't give blood for a long time because I lived in Europe for 3 years, and the CDC was worried about mad cow disease. Anyone who lived in Britain for 1 year or more between 1980 and 1996 couldn't donate in the U.S., and anyone who lived in southern Europe for 3 years during that time also fell into that category. They finally bumped it up to 5 years, I think, that I would have to have lived in Europe.

I'd happily go off and donate blood now that I'm in the clear, but I had major surgery within the last six months.

The Red Cross has pretty much given up on U.S. military blood drives because so many of us have been overseas for so long.
I'm A+ and have donated blood twice in my life..I'll never do it again. It makes me weak/dizzy/sick for days after, and there are plenty of people who donate to make up for me...LOL Everyone in high school did it to be cool, and they got TONS, but I only did it twice...
I'm A+, and have donated blood three times since 2007, but because the area I lived in, those donations were spread over 18 months, and after the third time, I discovered I could no longer donate, which really bummed me out :(

I am an organ donor, though, which kind of makes up for it. I think.
I am A- which is the fourth rarest blood type.

I used to give blood regularly until it made me sick once, I don't anymore.
i'm a donor.
we dont have bone marrow donor cards but i'm a recipient.

they havent been able to get half a test tube of blood coz my veins are small