You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

You know you watch to much CSI:NY when...

When all you have to say is "C" and your mum knows you are going to say "CSI new york" and so she just cuts in saying "Yes" ! (My mum does that all the time!):lol:
When your bedroom shelf looks like this.

-gasp- Wow, I'd love that bedroom shelf... :eek:
And you know you watch too much CSI: NY when you start seeing correlations between Adam and your life. :D
*suspicious look* That NY Season Five looks unopened, NypdFlackie.

You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you take the time to notice that. :lol:

~When you're mom hears a song on your iPod and says "It's from CSI:NY, right?"
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when...

You play "CSI" with your friend with her toy forensic kit and start freaking out when you cant dust for prints the right way.
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...

- Your friends are concerned for your health if you don't ramble about the latest episode of CSI: NY on Thursday morning.
- Your science teacher asks you where you learned something, and your answer is, "CSI: New York."
- Your boyfriend/girlfriend understands that Wednesday night is not a good date night.
you rush home every thursday to watch last night episode on you tube and scour the internet for spoilers :p
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you see in Scent of a Woman that Al Pacino's character, Frank, goes to NY, and asks to speak to Sheldon or Mac and you giggle and expect Hawkes and Mac to come with their kits.
you know you watch to much csi:ny when

----you know ruben had a scene with a child molester in season 1

----you know whats her face kendel was an angry maid of honor in till death do us part

----notice Reed has posters from stuck on you in his apartment in personal foul (i think thats the ep)

-----notice dulcet cigars from bad beat is on mosi ghedi's credit card in Not what it looks like.

yea, i spend too much time watching reruns. :rolleyes:
~ When you giggle at the commercial where the bellhops are carrying Robert Joy (Sid).
~ When you heart skips a beat every time an Army commercial comes on because Gary Sinese is narrating it.
~ When you heart skips a beat every time an Army commercial comes on because Gary Sinese is narrating it.

omg that happens every time i hear one.:guffaw:

You know you watch too much CSI: NY When...
your Blockbuster Video rental account history looks like Gary Sinises' filmography on Wikipedia
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you get told off by your study hall supervisor for watching it on your iPod in study, then get really pissed at him when he goes on to say "Sure every episode is the same..." Happened to me just the other day... :lol:
You know you watch way to much csi ny when...

~You know evey name of each episode from seasons 1-5.
~When you start talking along with the tv.
~ Your friends start thinking you crazy cause thats all you can talk about.
you know when you watch too much csi when.....
everytime someone says something you think how would on of the csi's answer that.
lol ive only done that a few times thank god