You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

...when you look everywhere for Mac's ringtone from s4 and if unable to find it, wonder how hard it would be to isolate it from a vid clip and turn it into one yourself.....:shifty:
I realized I could add some more stuff on my list. You know you watch too much CSI NY when:

- You notice the small details, and as they vary from episode to episode it doesn't make sense. I noticed some details, mainly about Mac and Adam at the moment. There was some things about them in the past, and in more recent episodes things have really changed in a weird way. I just can't get it. Therefore, I analyse it way too much.

- You never get tired of watching re-runs.

- Although you haven't seen older episodes in a while, you still remember them well. You know the titles, what happens, who the guilty one is, and all the good lines.
Just small little changes. I maybe am stupid for analysing them. For example, in 6x06, Mac offered Hawkes his extra room, right? Three episodes later (6x09), Hawkes tells everyone at the team dinner that he has got his own apartment. Mac asks if he will get his couch back. There I got the feeling that Sheldon used Mac's couch in the living room. I mean, if he actually used Mac's extra room. Wouldn't it mean that Sheldon was sleeping on a bed, not a couch?

And we all know that Adam has OCD, right? He also complained to Stella earlier this season that Haylen has moved some things in the lab, which Adam hated. Adam wants everything to be clean and in order. In his own way. But according to Flack who has been in Adam's apartment it's really messy. In 5X20, he says "you think this is bad, you should see Adam's apartment". I don't get it. I mean, messy at home while he keeps his things in order at work? And others are not allowed to move things in the lab without Adam's permission.

I can go on for ages mentioning stuff like this. Those small little details might not even mean anything?
yeah i notice stuff like that too - the couch thing definitely came up in the discussion of that ep - i concluded that maybe mac's spare room has a sofa bed in it that can be either a couch or a spare bed in a spare bedroom. ha! or maybe sheldon had so much stuff he used mac's spare room to store it and slept on the couch? ha! really i think it was probably an oversight though...

yeah the adam's ocd thing is confusing - it's never been totally confirmed he has it though, just kinda hinted at. also when we saw kendall staying over at adam's (or the other way around...) it didn't exactly look like the apartment of a neat freak. but then again i have mild ocd and there are bits of my house that are quite messy - certain things make my ocd go off the charts, and a lot of them people don't expect, but then other things that people do expect don't bother me at all. maybe they're just trying to keep it real. or, more likely, they're forgetting that continuity exists ;)
I rarely read the episodes' discussions, so I missed the part where you discussed the couch. Maybe should go and read it as soon as I have finished typing this. Either way, I am not sure if Sheldon actually put all his stuff in the spare room just to store it. I mean, in the middle of the episode he was staying with another friend (who got arrested). Sheldon slept on the couch but it didn't look like he had much stuff? Not in that room anyway.

And I can accept some small variations. But it gets confusing if they make them confusing, as I actually am very good at noticing small details (including lines and gestures).
Just small little changes. I maybe am stupid for analysing them. For example, in 6x06, Mac offered Hawkes his extra room, right? Three episodes later (6x09), Hawkes tells everyone at the team dinner that he has got his own apartment. Mac asks if he will get his couch back. There I got the feeling that Sheldon used Mac's couch in the living room. I mean, if he actually used Mac's extra room. Wouldn't it mean that Sheldon was sleeping on a bed, not a couch?

And we all know that Adam has OCD, right? He also complained to Stella earlier this season that Haylen has moved some things in the lab, which Adam hated. Adam wants everything to be clean and in order. In his own way. But according to Flack who has been in Adam's apartment it's really messy. In 5X20, he says "you think this is bad, you should see Adam's apartment". I don't get it. I mean, messy at home while he keeps his things in order at work? And others are not allowed to move things in the lab without Adam's permission.

I can go on for ages mentioning stuff like this. Those small little details might not even mean anything?

noticed them too, haven't given much of a thought though about the couch...maybe it was just a mistake it happens you know? lol

on the other hand the OCD thing yes, that was kinda confusing...

^ which changes?

i think i'm guilty of all of those. maybe now mac will arrest me ;)

Hey Maaaaac!!! Maaaaaac!!!Det. Taylooooooor!!!! *bounces and waves like a crazy woman*

we're guilty, we're SO totally guilty!!:guffaw::guffaw:
i think i'm guilty of all of those. maybe now mac will arrest me ;)

Hey Maaaaac!!! Maaaaaac!!!Det. Taylooooooor!!!! *bounces and waves like a crazy woman*

we're guilty, we're SO totally guilty!!:guffaw::guffaw:

As charged!!!:D *holds out hands for cuffs* ;):devil:............

...when you get byond excited when you realize that Mac used the exact same field computer that you do at work and you can proudly skip to the exact spot in the exact ep to show anybody and everybody that they are identical and their only reaction is :wtf: though this doesn't dampen your enthusiasm and excitement every time you now use your computer! :D
^ haha as a mac owner, i still get kinda excited every time i see a mac on the show. well, of the other kind. obviously when it\s *that* mac, but even the kind that just sit on the desk!
^ *nods* actually consider getting a mac even though you are a pc just so you can say "my Mac"!!!:hugegrin::devil::devil: (yes, that would be me!):D
^ true! i had my mac (!) long before i got into csiny, or even before it started i think, i've had one quite a long time, but it does work for a nice little double meaning there. sometimes if i say "my mac" people go "which one?!" :lol:
^ true! i had my mac (!) long before i got into csiny, or even before it started i think, i've had one quite a long time, but it does work for a nice little double meaning there. sometimes if i say "my mac" people go "which one?!" :lol:


you know you watch too much CSI:NY when:

you make a complete and total fool of yourself in front of all your friends because you star laughing histerically like an idiot - and apparently without reason- because while eating at McDonald's you think "Hey, i'm eating a Big Mac!!!"

:rolleyes::rolleyes: it SO happened to me last week...:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
You know you watch too much CSI: NY when:

You watch SyFy Alice, and when they are inside the casino and Hatter starts shooting at the badguys, you think he'd be a perfect CSI :lol:
.....a family member mentions they made a traditional Greek bread and all you want to do is interrupt them to explain all about how Stella was Greek and spoke it fluently and how she and Mac ended up there.........yeah:rolleyes: