You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:Miami When...Part 2!

When ur driving in the car at night time and u see the headlights and lights way above it which can only mean one thing - HUMMER, and u shout it out and ur mom says 'what! what is it?'

when u drive ur frends at school crazy by talking about it all day long

when u have two books with the hummer on the front (bk 1 and 2) for ur fanfiction to go in, as well as song lyrics, pictures, quizes from and about the show

when u drag ur mother into the living room begging her to watch one epi on ur DVD cause ur bored and finds out that she likes it too, and now drags me in there to watch them with her

when u and ur cousin start calling each other Eric (my cousin) and Calleigh (me) after/during an episode and for the rest of the day

hm, what else? the most amazing one - when ur frend(well she watches it too) wants to add u and the characters of the show in her own book.AND Eric and me are supposed to be together and get married and have children

When you're talking about visiting France and you accidentally say to your mates, "You have to get a ferry from Dover to Calleigh," instead of Dover to Calais :wtf: :lol:

(It cracked me up after i said it but they didn't get it. They haven't had the pleasure of being hooked on CSI :lol:)
When you can't go through a complete study session without going to your I-tunes and turning on your fav CSI:Miami espiode(Which happens to be Inside out season six). Or when you find yourself obessing over babies with red hair going,"That so can be me and Horatio's baby."

Or when you skip out on a very important student government meeting, because it was going to run into your CSI:Miami time, and your the president of the student government(I will never do that again, so I will schedule meetings a little earlier).

You considered naming your first born, Horatio Caine Jr.
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When you watch that 3-hour long The Who rock honors thing just to hear them play Won't Get Fooled Again live. Which DIDN'T HAPPEN! Or it did during one of the times I got extremely bored and changed the channel.
When you get a fic idea about certain characters/pairings and that voice in your head (probably your muse) won't shut up about it until you write the story. :lol:

This one is more a CSI in general thing, but anyway: When your dog breathes or barks/whines, etc... near you and you feel a tiny bit of wetness and say to the dog, "Stop getting your expectorant on me!". :lol:
When you get a fic idea about certain characters/pairings and that voice in your head (probably your muse) won't shut up about it until you write the story. :lol:

LOL that's the reason I wrote my fanfiction! The idea kept bouncing around in my head and bothered me so much I went ahead and wrote it. :cool:
You feel special because there's a street behind your house called "Ryan Avenue".


That is special.

How about if you get into an argument with someone and call them an idiot because it's now August and this person still believes that Ryan is rotten and had something to do with H being shot.
When you watch a spoiler video three times on eonline about
Eric and Calleigh's love growing and you explode into a trillion pieces!!!!!!! YEAH WHOHO< BRING ON SEASON 7!
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When you watch a spoiler video three times on eonline about
Eric and Calleigh's love growing and you explode into a trillion pieces!!!!!!! YEAH WHOHO< BRING ON SEASON 7!

What??? What spoiler video! Please post the link!!!!!!!

Edit: Nevermind. :)
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When you watch a spoiler video three times on eonline about
Eric and Calleigh's love growing and you explode into a trillion pieces!!!!!!! YEAH WHOHO< BRING ON SEASON 7!

lol....Me too..... I started crying.... YES YES YES YES YES.... Now we just need Yelina and Horatio.
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