You Know You Watch Too Much CSI:LV When ...

when everytime you look something up in imdb, you start looking if any of the cast members ever played in csi.
and than try to remember who they were in the episode.
and relise you do remember who they played...
even if was "kid number 4".:p

You hit pause on every show you're watching and announce when you see someone you remembered that was once a guest star on CSI. :lol: :p

Oh I do that too :lol: I don't pause I just point them out to my family and they get annoyed or I'll see someone that looks familar and try to figure out who it is and they're like "Oh they probably played a dead body on CSI"

i drive my mom nutz when i do that
You see a commercial for the show "Oddities", and they have a two headed fetal pig. You want to yell "Hey, what are you doing with Miss Piggy? Grissom won't like you for that!"

And you actually have a slight wish to get said two headed fetal pig and put it in a jar on your desk so you can be like Grissom lol
when I talk about the characters as if they're real people (yeah that's kinda sad lol). Or when scientific facts I've learned from the show come up in conversations.

:lol: I've had that temptation too a couple times MacsGirlMel.
You find that you like cleaning the kids' books at work at the library because of the chance to wear gloves. It's not a must, but I don't wanna chance a rash from holding Clorox wipes for an hour at a time. Trouble is, my hands are too small. I'd stink trying to pick up evidence like the CSIs.

You want to scream at the Dragnet reruns mom watches because they're always picking stuff up without gloves. "You're ruining the call yourself a detective?" (of course, CSI has its share of slips on multiple parts of the franchise.)
...You come accross someone in one of your Facebook groups with the same name as Julie and it makes you laugh. Except the name isn't spelled quite the same.

Old shows make you constantly think how far science has come since then, even if Adam-12 and Dragnet did hold themselves closer to reality than some CSI aspects do.'re playing a Pokemon game and christen the mushroom 'mon you caught D.B. . I recall using Gil once too, once I'd already used Gary (CSI NY names pop up a lot for me).
Boy I post a lot here LOL.

You're watching 'Big Miracle' but can't think of Ted as the oil's "It's D.B.!"
Personally, I don't think there is such a thing as too much CSI! But if I were to list some things...
-Your browser history is almost exclusively CSI related sites.
-You have a CSI shelf that you are dying to add to! (Books, Season DVDs, Pictures, etc.)
- You wish you had an artistic bone in you body so you could draw you favorite CSI characters and yourself together!
- You have never been interested in actors/actresses until you started watching CSI. Now they are the only celebrities that you follow!:p
You can't help grinning when discussing a potential Pokemon trade on Facebook because the other guy's name is Nicholas Stokes. I didn't stick around to mention CSI though.
Being a rookie around these parts I know I`m gunna repeat what someone else has already said, but here goes.

I`m currently watching S12 and every episode I watch I ask my wife what sort of marriage Sara ad Gil must have.
When do they actually meet ? My wife says Sara must phone him or they must talk via PC.
If I said I fear for their marriage, am I too involved in the show, do I watch it too often. ( 12 series in a few months ) ?