Would you go to a CSI convention??

Why not! It seems like it would be a lot of fun! But, only if the original cast from CSI could be there too!
If i could raise the finance for plane fare and the many merchandise i'd buy, i'd be there in a flash :)
Well of course some of the stars from each of the CSIs would have to be there! And whatever your reason for going, it would be SO awesome to go to the convention!!! :) :D
I would make my friend Kia go. Me and her would tackle Peterson (Grissom).
The only thing that would prevent me is the money, plus I'm in a different continent which doesn't help much and to pay for a plane ticket is expensive over here in England (which might I add isn't always raining!)
Yes, absolutely....the only thing that would stop me is lack of funds. *sigh*

hmmm.....go to the CSI convention or pay my mortgage...go to the CSI convention or pay my mortgage....pay my mortgage wins...but only by a smidge. ;)
Maybe we can have a fundraiser of some sort...I'm strapped for cash as well, but if money wasn't an issue, I'd be there in a second!!! :) :D
I'd go, if I'm not on call and I can get the time off. (I was suppose to have last Thursday night off and I was called in. Thank G-d for VCR's! :D )
Aside from money, we could all go! Where there's a will, there's a way. But the first thing would be to find/have a CSI convention...
^^^ You know, they have a treatment for those nowadays...

Boy I'm goofy this morning. Must be Friday.