Would you go to a CSI convention??

Depends if the convetion is related to all three CSI's or just a particular one. LV I would go. Miami... huh... I guess you really have to be a die hard fan to go to a convention. I don't think I would go. I have certain imaginations about certain people and characters. Meeting them in real life can destroy some joy of particualr things. NY I don't watch...

You met Nicholas Lea? *jealous*

I would totally go... well.. if I could afford a plane fare etc... :lol:

Same, lol, but I'm broke and I highly dought they'd have one where I live
LoL Money isn't the problem for me. Its work...... Maybe if there was a conference in Las Vegas the same time the convention was going on then maybe I could manage it. (You know go back and forth? Run into one convention centre listen for a bit, then leave and go into the other convention centre. ect. I would be mighty tired but just to think it would be worth it! :D )
Hard to say if I'd go. I'm on the student loan/waitressing salary. Maybe next year if I get funding for grad school - that's what grants are for, right? Perhaps some CSI-inspired fieldwork...
I would go, if I could somehow get the money...

But unless I convince a FedEx guy to let me sneak a ride in the baggage hold, or unless some kind soul here started a fund for my ticket, it isn't happening in the near future.
Hmmm...that's the solution!! Everyone can sneak a few people in the luggage, which would save on the price...ok, ok...maybe not, but it was a thought! :)
Did you see that s5 epi where the girl tried to send herself to Vegas in a suitcase and she ended up dead???

No thank you.
I would go, if I could somehow get the money...

But unless I convince a FedEx guy to let me sneak a ride in the baggage hold, or unless some kind soul here started a fund for my ticket, it isn't happening in the near future.
Sorry, I was not the person who won the big Powerball jackpot on Saturday. Maybe next time.
I think conventions are fun! And CSI conventions could be great, you know, if they set up things showing how they get those cool camera shots, had Q and A's with forensic experts, chances to find out spoilers, meet some of the stars...

Sorry, started drooling. :p

Hey, ranma! A) I love Ranma 1/2! B) I love Colin Firth!