Would you go to a CSI convention??

I would go if I could magically afford it... I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada which is a long way from either LA or LV.
It is too bad that there isn't a magical gate, where you can walk into Ontario, Canada, and come out in Ontario, California, about an hour's drive east of Los Angeles.

What the producers might be able to do is film an occassional episode in a different city (New York, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, London, Sydney, or other) and have a convention while there.
Posted by Bruno:
This is something fans of real cult shows get a lot. STAR TREK conventions are of course very popular, but I think there are some for other shows too, like BUFFY and XENA and even JAG, and I remember the fans of LOST doing something like that, too.

So would you be interested in that?? If someone organised a convention in a Los Angeles hotel and invited several of the stars and writers? There'd also be information booths from all the CSI merchandise companies, and maybe the CSI stars would sign autographs. And of course it would be a cool way to finally meet all the other CSI fans!

So if they organised something like that, would you go?? And would you pay money for it?

Lost hasn't had a convention... yet (i wouldn't doubt it) Alias has had a couple but Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan don't attend them soo what's the point? Jennifer Garner is Alias she should at least make a brief appearence.


if they had a CSI convention near me in NJ or in NY i might go only if George Eads and Jorja Fox were gonna be there. i find conventions a little over the top. for Sci-Fi shows they're fine b/c Sci- Fi shows are over the top but for shows like CSI and , as mentioned, JAG i think it's a little too much.
I would definitly pay to get in, but I wouldnt take a plane trip just to get to it. I vote we have it in chicago!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
mmm...I could handle New Jersey...but if it was going to be in that area, why not NYC? (OK, this is purely selfish, but how about Hartford,CT? lol)
Haha. If I were ever to attend a convention, it would still cost me quite a bit. I live in Newfoundland (for those of you who don't know where that is, it's on the eastern coast of Canada) so I'd have to travel quite a distance to get to it [the convention].
If Melina Kanakaredes attended the convention then yeah I would definitely go. If not then I dunno...money would be an issue along with travelling there.
Posted by LaCacahuete:
Y'know, I totally would, if I weren't a) broke, b) broke, and c) in dire lack of money. :)

Note to self: win the lottery.

Everything she/he said, yeah.
I would love a CSI con. Of course I'm not embarassed to say I've been to two Star Trek cons. OK, maybe a little embarassed. :lol:

But I have the major hots for Connor Trinneer and Dominic Keating, so it's worth the emabrassment.

Seriously, invite George Eads and Emily Procter and I'd be there in a heart beat. ;)
*turns bright pink* I want to go to a CSI convention...Vegas is only a day's drive or so from me. *sighs* No money, one of those flat broke college people. Maybe if we all carpooled?
carpooling---I'd need at least a boat or preferably a plane to take me over the pond...and rob a bank...