Worst Movies Ever

There was a movie on the SyFy (formerly SciFi) channel this past Sunday, "Megashark v. Octopus". I wasn't expecting much but it definitely didn't meet expectations. I think it must have been released in theaters somewhere, because there were constant and obvious deletions of swearwords in the soundtrack. The octopus was big enough to wrap itself around and take down an oil drilling platform and the shark? It was shown as being able to leap high into the air and take down a passenger jet in flight! And it also apparently rammed and sank a destroyer.

It was a straight to video/dvd release. Ugh, it was awful. The using of the same shots over and over again when it was supposed to be the two beasts fighting at different times... someone screaming before the actual thing happened to send their plane down. :lol: Just all around bad. As for the creatures being big enough to do those things, well these were supposed to be creatures that existed back when the dinosaurs were around and things were bigger back then, but I didn't think they would have been quite THAT big. :lol:

There is actually, or rather was a shark called a Megladon whose jaw is supposedly big enough for five or more grown men to stand inside. They have a jawbone of one in some museum supposedly... and there was a picture in a magazine of men standing inside it to demonstrate how big it was. As for the leaping in the air, you'd think something that big wouldn't be able to do that. :lol: But then again, I'm not good at physics. :lol:
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For me, even worse than Adam Sandler is Matthew McConaughey. The minute I hear his name in a film trailer, my brain tells me I must definatley not EVER see that film as all the ones i've seen him in have been awful.

YES!! Sure, he may be cute, but that DOES NOT mean he can act. My god. I saw Ghost of Girlfriends Past when it came out(not by choice) and I hated it, and can't stand him! All of his movies are utter crap. I don't like Will Farell either! He drives me nuts. You're stuff isn't funny, dude!:scream:

One female I can't stand is Julia Roberts. I'm SORRY! I don't know what it is about her that I can't stand, but I can never finish a movie that has he in it(except American Sweet Hearts).

OH! And Billy Crystal. And Robin Williams. And Jim Carrey. Just cause you can make a really stupid face and talk fast doesn't make you funny. I'm seeing Steve Martin fall into the trap as well! He is so much better than the Pink Panther movies! I wonder what he is/was thinking when he does those films!
For me, the worst actor ever is Will Ferrel. Any time I see his name on a movie, I know it's going to be something I cannot stand. That's why I avoid his stuff like the plague.
For me, the worst actor ever is Will Ferrel. Any time I see his name on a movie, I know it's going to be something I cannot stand. That's why I avoid his stuff like the plague.
i completly agree with yo on that

I'm afraid I have to disagree. Now he's in a phase of churning out movies like a cat churning out kittens, I do agree he's made some baaaaad films. His performances in Rob Burgundy and Zoolander were brilliant though, that's the Will Ferrell I love.
For me, the worst actor ever is Will Ferrel. Any time I see his name on a movie, I know it's going to be something I cannot stand. That's why I avoid his stuff like the plague.
i completly agree with yo on that

Dude i feel like he's play the psuedo-unintellengent character over and over and over. Enough already Will Ferrel, try a dramatic role with a little substance for once. John C. Reilly is just as bad, i mean Stepbrothers did not make me laught, not even once.

Twilight- I've read all 4 books and they were beyond amazing but the movies was a huge letdown, Rob Patterson is monotoned and Kristen Stewart can't spit out her lines. Billy Burke was great but he wasn't enough to save the movie. The soundtrack however is great

the stepford Wives (the remake) was anyone else confused about whether they were robots or just had chips in their brains??????
I'm one of those few people who loves Xanadu- it's so bad, it's good! :lol: It's become sort of a cult classic, but I remember when it came out- I was a kid, and they were playing all the ELO songs on the radio and I was just dying to see it. Never made it to the theatre, thank goodness... even as a kid, I might have been disappointed. But now, it's one of those movies that I always watch when it's shown on TV. I can't seem to help myself. :lol:

i know all the ELO songs from this movie by heart lol. ELO are amazing and their music is the only reason to remotely sit through Xanadu. the movie is just a riot to sit through i torture my friends with it just to laugh.

i have some more awful movies:

-Revolutionary Road= Kate and Leo could have been together again in a much better movie

- Star Wars Ep 2= the acting and writting could not be more horrific

-The Mummy 3= the first two are some of my all time fave movies, this one was shitty from beginning to end. the movie could have been so much better if Rachel Weis had been in it instead of Maria Bello. my mom's friend went to school with Maria Bello and she said MB was a big slut and doesn't know how besides sleeping with anyone how she gets any jobs.
^^^ I saw The Happening at the theatre- the people beside me actually walked out after about half an hour. I was tempted (for the first time in my cinema going career) to follow them, but I stuck it out to the bitter end. Meh. :p
LMFAO, The Happening. I saw it in the movie theater - well, I was on the phone the ENTIRE time. So I didn't see a lot, but I called my friends after almost falling asleep from boredom. Really boring and unreal.
LMFAO, The Happening. I saw it in the movie theater - well, I was on the phone the ENTIRE time. So I didn't see a lot, but I called my friends after almost falling asleep from boredom. Really boring and unreal.

I really wanted to see the Happening, but not anymore. Thanks for the headsup. :thumbsup:
Dodgeball. I can barely stand Vince Vaugh. At the same time, this movie also include a very annoying Ben Stiller. The movie was supposed to be fun (a comedy). But it was just plain boring with silly and pathetic jokes.
Ben is not that bad. I am no fan, but I really enjoyed the two movies about Night at the museum. And I liked Tropic Thunder, which was an average movie. But I found it hilarious, and therefore liked it anyways.

His worst role was definitely in Dodgeball.
The Happening was just atrocious, it was cheesy and just painful to watch.

ok i will agree that the movie was bad but i did like the concept/story. the large problem of this movie was the acting which i was so upset about b/c Zooey Deschanel is a wonderful actress and Mark Walhberg is awesome too.

The Breakup- i watched this with my brother who is a 16 year old in love with Jennifer Aniston. this sucked it was so bad. Vince Vaughn can definitely ruin a movie for me. i can only take him in Old School. my bro would not change it b/c of JA and i was bored so i sat and watched this crap.