why on earth would you stand as an MEP if your actually completely against the EU it just doesn't make sense?
I've often wondered that! It's such a contradiction but then that is the BNP all over.
i think a lot of it is just that it was the only way they *could* get in, i guess they had to field candidates for it as as things stand most parties do, and it gave them more chances to get something. but it's still very contradictory. i believe ukip only have MEPs as well, which seems rather silly as well. do they turn up at meetings demanding that everyone lets them sod off home and leaves them to it?!:lol:
Decided who your voting for yet
*lisasimpson*? (you don't have to say if you'd rather not). I'll be honest I still don't know..I'll probably be that way till tommorow.
oh i'm still not sure. i've been voting since the early 90s and apart from the last one i've always gone labour but as i said before i just *can't* this time, which makes me sad. i was planning to spoil my ballot (because they're all arseholes but i'd never not vote at all) but now i'm thinking it may well be a tactical vote for the lib dems. there's no way in hell i'd ever ever vote tory and the way i see it the lib dems are highly unlikely to get in but if they get a large share of the vote it will (a) probably lead to some level of voting reform and (b) give the tories a massive and very well deserved kick up the arse!
speaking of tories, did you read this great piece in the independent about hammersmith & fulham council (which i used to live about 2 streets from the border of!) which cameron has referred to as a 'model' tory constituency?
Lisa, I've got my polling card at the ready, I'm rather excited, this is the second election in which I'll be of voting age, I get a sense of achievement from voting, as if I'm having a say on the way the country's being run.
tbh i'm more looking forward to seeing david mitchell and charlie brooker on tv together for several hours in a row

but you're right, it's good when exercising democratic rights makes you feel good, i wish it was that way for more people.
I've already decided who I'm voting for, I always stick with the same party, they have my alligience, and their candidate in my area is a gentleman, you couldn't ask for a better MLA in my opinion.
that's great - i used to be that way about labour, especially as where i lived before this my mp was Sadiq Khan who is a great guy - he was the one that the government taped talking to one of his constituents in prison, there was a huge row about it and he was categorically in the right! he's a very proactive mp. i moved tho

as for allegiance these days? for me labour aren't labour any more, they're tory-lite, and i just can't go there, which is sad. but i'll think of something