William Petersen Reveals Reasons For Wanting To Leave 'CSI'

CSI Files

Lately, <font color=yellow>William Petersen</font> (Gil Grissom) (Gil Grissom) has talked a lot about leaving CSI. In an interview with the Italian magazine TV Sorrisi e Canzoni he further explained why he wants to leave Grissom in the past.

"After six years and 130 episodes I'm really tired," the actor explained. "When I decided to be an actor, I was drawn by the idea to play many different characters. Now I have time only for Grissom. I like him, mind you. He taught me a lot, but I need to change, to be someone else."

Petersen revealed in other interviews he would like to move back to Chicago and pursue theatre. He added now he would also like to do movies. "In these years I've been offered with several roles for the cinema and I refused all of them to give myself completely to CSI," he said. "I don't know how long I can go on this way. And, well, I want to be back to theater. It's quite a long time I'm thinking about it and in a short time I will manage it."

Despite wanting to pursue other endeavors, Petersen explained his decision was influenced by his personal life as well. "Grissom is part of me. In the last 6 years I've been more Gil Grissom than Billy Petersen. I have kept him alive inside of me, mornings, afternoons and evenings for nine months a year. Lately I'm trying to be more myself, and the only way to do that is working less. When CSI began I wasn't married, now I am. I want to be a good husband."

Fans who are wondering when exactly Petersen will leave the show can rest assured, however, that it won't be this season and his exit won't be abrupt. "It's probable that in the next season Grissom won't be in every episode. It's time for him to rest. Both we need a long vacation. But this is not sure, it's only something we are working on."

Petersen admitted it'll be hard to leave a character that's become such a part of him. The actor admitted he and Grissom have a lot of things in common. "Both we have eccentric behaviors. I, too, suffer of phobias and I need to be alone from time to time during the day. Grissom has my same sense of humour and he gives me his interest for science that I have always neglected."

Thanks to <font color=yellow>misskuaigon</font> at Your Tax Dollars At Work for the interview.<center></center>
Wow! I bet as soon as his contract is up, he'll walk. It seems like every time I read something from Petersen, it's that he wants to leave CSI. He has been with the show for a long time, and putting in seven years is admirable. That usually seems to be the maximum of what many want to do--Sarah Michelle Gellar on Buffy, David Dychovney on X-Files, etc.
Re: William Petersen Reveals Reasons For Wanting To Leave 'C

Yeah, it sounds like he's really done with the show. He's been getting very little screen time lately. I get restless doing the same thing over and over, so I sympathize.
Re: William Petersen Reveals Reasons For Wanting To Leave 'C

But he also mentioned leaving off and on and then turned around and said he would remain for as long as the show and fans wanted him. The screen time or lack there of are his decision, since he was diagnosised with the "irregular heartbeat" he said he was going to cut back that he didn't want to be a work-a-holic anymore.
I think it's admirable and shows his character as a true actor to be willing to walk away from a serious gravy train to do what is in his heart - what he truly loves.

It's one thing at the end of a series' run to say 'Well, I wanted to go back to the stage anyway'. But to do it and mean it when the series is at such a peak and still going strong, kudos to Mr. Peterson. I just wonder what type of character will they get to replace him? Will they just move Katherine into the Head Honcho spot and just bring in another new recruit like Greg?
I admire William for whatever desicion he wants to make, but if he has health problems resulting from working on the show, I say he deserves the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if William left after next season. I just hope it won't be in a bad way. Hopefully they will play it as retirement or Grissom get another position somewhere. It is a tought gig to work on a show for a long period of time, William wanting to do other things is very understandable, I mean look at Noah Wyle for example, he was on ER for like 11 years, when he decided to leave, it was because he wanted to spend more time with his son and wife and do movies and such. And that is exactly what William wants. That is totally cool with me, and I say go for it.
But a real question would be how long would CSI last without him? He has quite the fan base.

Plus some of his absence this season was due to the unfortunate and untimely death of a nephew of his.

How long could CSI go on without him? ER still garners 15+ million viewers even though ALL of the original cast members have left. The ratings would probably go down but it would still win it's timeslot and probably finish in the Top 10. ;)
For me CSI is Grissom,but I mean the Grissom of the first seasons,imo,lately he's losing his charisma,I miss the old one.
er didn't have a central person like csi does...no, this will start the downfall of csi, it won't get cancelled, but the show will lose so much, and it will never be the same...

i think its dumb for him to leave, he is so type casted, he will have a lot of trouble, everyone loves him as grissom...

and also, i have no sympathy for his health, you smoke thats what you get, it may seem harsh, but smoking is so avoidable, and you really can't complain if you have health problems when you smoke...he did quit, but he has started again, which is pretty stupid with a heart condition...

also, if he doesn't like playing the same character...why would he do a tv show...obviously you are going to have long hours and be playing the same guy...plus if he wanted to do theater so badly, then he should have just stuck with theater...gah, i hate it when tv actors do this, drives me bananas...
Re: William Petersen Reveals Reasons For Wanting To Leave 'C

Honestly, It sounds as though he just wants a break... I love Grissom, but if WP needs a break, like just doing a few episodes a season or something, then so be it... But hopefully he'll change his mind and stay full time. If not, I've always got seasons 1-6 to keep me drooling ;)
I will truly miss Billy if he leaves.
But seeing that it's coming, I hope they stick to the true Grissom Character, he should just disappear, no cake in the staffroom.
*cries* Not another CSI actor leaving!! I can't take it anymore!!

Ahem.....I'll get used to it.
Ah, I'd miss most of them if they decided to leave, but I can understand how playing the same role for a long period of time might get bland for an actor. Not every actor has soap opera sensibilities, like that guy who has been playing Victor Newman on Young and the Restless forEVER! :eek:

I'm not really a huge fan of the theatre (all the theatre actors I've met tend to be self-absorbed and more than a little pretentious, but that's probably a generalization! :lol: ) Anyway, I just hope he gets to do what he wants from now on, thanks to his popularity on CSI. He has done a quality job. :D
this article made me want to cry :(

i love billy, he is such an amazing actor, and grissom is such a big part of CSI, that i wonder how it would do

i have to respect his wishes though, i dont want him to die or anything because he worked himself too hard

i will miss him so much if he left, for me i just have to hold on to the hope that he will stick around for awhile, as much as i love LV, i dont know if i could watch it if he left, i love all the others, but he has been the biggest reason to watch, waht he does, makes me love the rest of the show, i dont think that it could ever be as good if he leaves

i hope that he stays at least through one more season, i dont want it to be abrupt, it would hurt too much, id rather have time to be able to deal with it

wow, im pathetic, it sounds like he is dying or something!