William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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yeah, I wasn't sure about the apt. either, it just didn't really seem to suit him that much. Even though there where similarities, I prefered the townhouse they had him in originally!

The plaid though - that was kinda cute :lol: I doubt Grissom is big on looking cool!

Bruno was wonderful, he's a natural! And so cute, and he knows it. And a sick Griss, awwwww. He really did look all bedraggled in that episode.

I thought it was an excellent episode though (filled with much Billy-ness), one of my favourites of recent years.
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yeah, I wasn't sure about the apt. either, it just didn't really seem to suit him that much. Even though there where similarities, I prefered the townhouse they had him in originally!

The plaid though - that was kinda cute :lol: I doubt Grissom is big on looking cool!

Bruno was wonderful, he's a natural! And so cute, and he knows it. And a sick Griss, awwwww. He really did look all bedraggled in that episode.

I thought it was an excellent episode though (filled with much Billy-ness), one of my favourites of recent years.

ITA, the Townhouse was way better. That was Grissom's style.:)

I'm sorry, but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing plaid. No offense if you like plaid. :)

I really liked Maddie. It's nice seeing Grissom's colleagues other than his team or Brass. I hope she returns.

Didn't Gil look so gorgeous! I wish we could see him more in suits. :drool:
I have my fingers crossed he won't shave the beard the rest of the season. :drool:

well I wouldn't wear plaid either ;) But Griss looked cute in it, but then again, Billy would look cute wearing a hessian sack :eek:

I thought Maddie was great as well, really liked the character!

It was a perfect Gill episode, he was all sickly, and all action, and all hero, all in one episode. Plus we got to see him suited up, as well as all casual and in his pj's and robe :lol: PERFECTO!
He looked pretty dam cute, and GameFace what on earth is a hessian sack:confused: and on his apt. this is from the TV Guide on why they decorated it the way they did.... so Grissom!

Exclusive look at Grissom's pad
Glimpses into Grissoms private life, are few and far between--which is what makes the latest ep. of CSI so special. When the investiagator's housebound with the flu, fans finally get a peek inside chez Gil. And it ain't the Pottery Barn. The goal was to have the apartment reflect his character--unique and intelligent, says production designer Dan Novotny. Think book's, lab equitment and curios, plus a revealing photo of him and Sara. It took almost 3 weeks and a team of more than 30, to complete the set. Novotny says, "It definately adds demension to his personality. This is the most we've seen in 8 years"

TV Guide writers
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It was a perfect Gill episode, he was all sickly, and all action, and all hero, all in one episode. Plus we got to see him suited up, as well as all casual and in his pj's and robe :lol: PERFECTO!

You're right, it was an all around Gil episode. :lol:

Beard + suit = Mr. Hottness!! :drool:

I still think that to make it more realistic he should have taken a hot bath, when you're ill you always take a hot bath. Of course that could be just my gutter mind in action.
Last Thursday, in preparation for The Return of The Beard (how's that for a film title :lol:), I lay down on my couch, snacks in one hand, remote in the other, put my feet up, and ... The Beard worked its magic once again *me = on cloud nine*

Speaking of Maddie, could she be new competition for Sara? I mean, she did hint at the fact that Grissom might be her soul mate, even though it was to be taken with a grain of salt -but well, they're the same age. She seemed serious when she said that And Griss didn't have anything to add to that -he probably didn't want to burst her bubble-, but he had that shy little smile that said "Hmmmm, interesting"

Don't get me wrong though, I'm a complete GSR shipper, BUT that doesn't mean Maddie isn't gonna chase Grissom next season :rolleyes:Totally possible.

My favorite scene from last week's episode? It lasts like two seconds, but my oh my wasn't that worth it ;)
When Maddie arrives at Grissom's apartment, and she can't stop talking like she's upset and all that, and he's just standing there with a drink in his hand, handing it to her with that OMFG SEXY look on his face :drool::drool: Like "Please, will you stop talking?" I know I'd stop talking if he gave me that look :D
I agree with everthing you said GrissomFREAK he was so darling, and let Maddie ramble on an on, he's good at that, Cath does that alot too:scream: and he's of course, had other women friends from his past, and they will probably keep coming out of the woodwork, who's path has crossed his, hasn't been enamored with him, I just think she's an old friend, and no competition with his girl at all. "I've said that to an old male friend " "you've never let me down" but no in a romantic way, just in a friendly passing banter way:thumbsup: now all we have left on CSI is Cath, no Sara, [for now] no Sofia, no Ronnie [and who cares] and remember Mia, what happned to her? and Mandy in the lab! I'm so thrilled that he's go his dark hair and beard back, so look's like he did in S/4:p His apt. so Grissom:lol:and the last few seconds, worth a million, to see his sweet smile, on the call!
Last Thursday, in preparation for The Return of The Beard (how's that for a film title :lol:), I lay down on my couch, snacks in one hand, remote in the other, put my feet up, and ... The Beard worked its magic once again *me = on cloud nine*

Ah yes, GrissomFreak. I felt the same way. I actually taped it and watched it again, as soon as it was over, to better sop up all that Billy sexiness. It was all I could do not to growl and groan at the TV....(I don't think my husband would appreciate that...lol!!!)

I loved how Gil looked when Brass came to visit. You know, dress shirt untucked, tie undone...sexy as hell.:drool:
The man should really have a warning attached to him.
Something like: View at own risk. Likely to cause spontaneous cumbustion, heart palpatations and excess drool

I really liked Maddie's character and wouldn't mind if she appeared in more episodes,but not as a love interest for Gil. She and Gil did have chemistry, but it was more like a long time friend vibe. However, I think Maddie could add a certain something to the show. They need another strong, no-nonsense woman on CSI.
On this character Maddie. I found her to be brassy, pushy, nervy and abrasive, and we've already got that with Cath, no offense, but Grissom would crawl into his shell, with two overwhelming females, and there's 5 episodes left and she's not mentioned in them, so I think it was a one time shot, but then again, who knows with CSI:confused:I just can't get that enthused by a new character on a one time guest spot, unless it's some icon like Faye Dunaway..Roger Daltry, etc.. they were excellent! I miss Sara, and he does too!
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I loved how Gil looked when Brass came to visit. You know, dress shirt untucked, tie undone...sexy as hell.
OMG yes. Reminded me of Formalities a little.

"Make-'em-run-around-the-block-howling-in-agony-stunning" :drool:

That av ROOOOCKS, btw!

I think Maddie could add a certain something to the show. They need another strong, no-nonsense woman on CSI.

On this character Maddie. I found her to be brassy, pushy, nervy and abrasive, and we've already got that with Cath, no offense, but Grissom would crawl into his shell
Really? Hmmm that's interesting. I didn't see that at all.

In the end, when it's all over and they're talking, you can see that she's not all these things. I think it's just a shell. Women often have to be like this when they're working surrounded by men. But it's only a façade.

Besides, if you remember at the very beginning, Brass was a little like that. Even with Grissom. But over the years we learned that he was not like that at all. He was just trying to gain respect.
THis link is pertaining to "who the phone call was from" in the last scene with Grissom, from "GDC" Ask Ausiello and Carol Mendolsohn:thumbsup:I think the majority of fans knew who it was, but they verified and valdiated this!


scroll down a bit!
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OMG yes. Reminded me of Formalities a little.

"Make-'em-run-around-the-block-howling-in-agony-stunning" :drool:

That av ROOOOCKS, btw!

Yes, I agree that there was a "Formalities" deja vu vibe happening there. :drool:

Thanks for your kind words about my AV. I'm rather fond of it too. *smirk*

On this character Maddie. I found her to be brassy, pushy, nervy and abrasive, and we've already got that with Cath, no offense, but Grissom would crawl into his shell.

Really? Hmmm that's interesting. I didn't see that at all.

In the end, when it's all over and they're talking, you can see that she's not all these things. I think it's just a shell. Women often have to be like this when they're working surrounded by men. But it's only a façade.

Besides, if you remember at the very beginning, Brass was a little like that. Even with Grissom. But over the years we learned that he was not like that at all. He was just trying to gain respect.

Yes GrissomFREAK, that was my take on Maddie as well. She's just a woman in a man's world. She also was big enough to admit her mistake, something many people in her position wouldn't do. And it hurt her when she thought that she was the cause of the witness's death.

I would like to see her as an occasional guest star.

However, back to the purpose of this thread. For me the whole episode was a Gil/Billy feast for the eyes, and I thoroughly enjoyed ever single minute of it. *sigh* :devil:
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