William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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Oh I forgot all about House and L&O! Oh yes that'd be wonderful!! Also Cold Case! I'd love to see Grissom in that, going over old cases and stuff, I think Bruckheimer does of those both too!
Interesting... WPRMW... Interesting...

I'd have to plonk him into the middle of an episode of 24 I think. It would be fantastic to see his reaction to Jack Bauer saving the world at break neck speed while he breaks the case with a fingerprint, a strand of hair and a microscope! :lol:

Mmm... Jack Bauer and Gil Grissom.... together... *mind wanders off to be dirty...*

Yummy! Grissom and Bauer! :drool: Definitely "24" I love that show. :)

My Second Show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I loved the first 4 years and then it goes down hill after H.S. graduation.

Grissom goes to Sunnydale, CA and does a few High School lectures talking about Bugs & Forensics.
The Scooby Gang listens to a lecture.:lol:
Schools out, Gil heads out to the parking lot and encounters a vampire.
Luckily Buffy is still around and comes to Grissom's rescue.
Our Bug Doctor returns home safely to LV.

Come to think of it, there is a fanfic with a BTVS/CSI storyline. But I can't remember what happens. :evil:
i would like to see Grissom talking with Frasier Crane about the human nature :)

I like this scenerio, funny:lol: don't do "24" and never watched "The X-Files" [no sci-fi] or "House" not my cup of tea. I just want him, if he leaves CSI to go on the big screen opposite Catherine-Zeta-Jones, or Angelina Jolie, who are as beautiful as he is! or his old co-hort Diane Lane, they sizzled in "Gunshy" no sit-coms or no new TV shows, but he's a theater bug, so that's probably where he'll end up:thumbsup:
I would like to see Grissom with Colombo, Monk and Goren (Law and order criminal intent). They are alike in some ways, because they are more or less odd and it could be funny to see Grissom with one of them.
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You know, I would settle for a whole episode of CSI devoted solely to Grissom ala "Jackpot".
To me, Gil/Billy is the best thing about CSI.
I'm kind of hoping that Grissom's Divine Comedy will sort of be a bit Jackpotish. The lot based around him and his life and what he considers to be his personal levels of hell - professional, personal. emotional etc...

Oh yeah, gilsgal, LURVE your icon! Woof!
You know, I would settle for a whole episode of CSI devoted solely to Grissom ala "Jackpot".
To me, Gil/Billy is the best thing about CSI.

Yes indeed, I like that idea, and it will be about him, no doubt, wow, it's been a long grueling 3 months or is it 4? whatever, way to long without him and he'll be pristine and fresh as a daisy:p here's a list of all his theater plays, how'd ya' all like to see him..front row?


Courtesy of WPAP:thumbsup:
I'm kind of hoping that Grissom's Divine Comedy will sort of be a bit Jackpotish. The lot based around him and his life and what he considers to be his personal levels of hell - professional, personal. emotional etc...

Yes, BritFan, that is my hope as well, but one never really knows from reading the summary of an episode, if that will be the case or not. ;)

Thanks for the theatre list Des. I would love to see Billy on stage. Still trying to figure out how to do it, to see "Dublin Carol". Christmas is such an expensive time of the year for our family. I have 3 kids at home and while the eldest might undertsand Mom wanting to blow all the money for Christmas presents on a theatre production, NOT,and I don't think the two younger ones will either. :(
Will he stay or will he go:confused: here's an article with Marg speaking for him, on continuning the show


Courtesy of WPAP:bolian:
It does seem like almost every year there are rumours of Billy's impending departure. I'm hoping that he will be content with having time off to do a play here and there to stay on for at least season 9. For me, CSI ends when Billy goes. :(
yep, we need that icon of Desert's 'No Grissom No CSI' :)

And I doubt the show would do that well long term without him.

He is THE star. As great as Marg and Paul Guilfoyle are as the other two leads, the man with the charisma is Billy. And Grissom is one of the most quirky and unique characters on TV this decade, he's a huge part of what has made CSI what it is. It'd be just another show without him.
Totally agree. CSI without Billy will be weird and hard to watch. I don't think it will be the end but the ratings will drop and then CBS may pull it. Broadcasters seem harsh in pulling shows which aren't up to standard in America, and it may bring in loads of money, but I think they will end it if it's not performing and Billy's departure could be a catalyst.

However, we might get a lovely new film out of him, or a visit to London's West End...

Anyway, found this today. Seems that Billy is the most recogniseable and highly thought of actor on TV!


I used to be able to do the 'press here' sort of link on the old thread. Not worked out how to do that here! Sorry.
Well how cool is that!!! :thumbsup:
We already knew that Billy was the best, this article just confirms it. Thanks for sharing the link BritFan.

When Billy leaves CSI, I will be one sad woman. I'll miss seeing him in my livingroom every week. OK, so I have all the DVDs of CSI and I have many of Billy's movies, but it's not the same as being able to see him do something new every week.

I fear that Billy will disappear into theatre for a long time before he decides to do movies, which means not being able to see him. How come there isn't a crying smilie?

I don't want to think about CSI without Grissom. That is just too sad and scary.

Here's a new article about another play Billy's doing in the summer of 2009. Thanks to WPAP for the link.
Chicago Times Article

On an up beat note, did you see the new pics from WPAP of Billy? Very nice indeed. I posted them in the pic thread.
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