William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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OK, where do I start, seeing that I've been away for so long?
I guess favourite Grissom episodes:
#1 Jackpot (gotta love the jeans and a whole episode of just Gil)*grins manically*

#2 Formalities ....THE TUX!!!!! *melts into a puddle on the floor*

The rest aren't in any particular order: Fur and Loathing, Big Middle, King Baby, Secrets and Flies, Slaves of Los Vegas, Lady Heather's Box, Strip Strangler. I know that there are tons more, but I'll stop.

As for Liking Billy now or when he was younger... Hmmmm....
Billy certainly knew how to wear a pair of jeans when he was younger :devil:, and he was adorable.
Older Billy is more distinguished and sexy.
Both make my heart race, my palms sweat and my breathing shallow, so my guess would be that I find both yummy... ;)
I like the look of older WP. I prefer men with a little meat on their bones. He was too skinny in his younger years... ofcourse I'm still in shock by that pic of him holding an ax, where it looks like he has to tuck it in his sock. OMG!!! *purr* OMG I LOVE BIG MEN! :D
dirtylabrat said:
I like the look of older WP. I prefer men with a little meat on their bones. He was too skinny in his younger years... ofcourse I'm still in shock by that pic of him holding an ax, where it looks like he has to tuck it in his sock. OMG!!! *purr* OMG I LOVE BIG MEN! :D

I agree completly. I also like him with a little more meat on his bones. and I think he looks... I don't know... wiser... haha! knowledge is sexy xD
Yeah, WP is like a fine wine, he's better as he had gotten older. Not like I didn't like looking at WP in his younger years, but something about him and his dark beard...YUMMMY

I want to go watch Jackpot now too. I think it's going to be on SPIKE or was recently.
He's always been handsome, younger and now, he's just plain gorgeous, perfect face
those curly locks, which I wished he'd let his hair grow out just a bit, have you all seen how darling he is while walking the writers picket line? :p
hhunter said:
Yeah, WP is like a fine wine, he's better as he had gotten older. Not like I didn't like looking at WP in his younger years, but something about him and his dark beard...YUMMMY

I want to go watch Jackpot now too. I think it's going to be on SPIKE or was recently.

oh yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
the ooold William is WAY HOT xD

I want to watch Jackpot, but I'm on a strike <_<
74 hours without CSI, go me *cries*
The pics of him from the picket line are good ones of him, he looks really sweet. :)

Grissom being spoken about as a fine wine... better than him speaking about his wife as a steak I guess. :p I know what you mean though H. :D
Charlies, your icon wasn't showin up earlier for some odd reason, back on track now. :D

You guys are talkin about him being sweet while walking the picket line...you seen my icon?! That ain't sweet ;)

C'mowwwn, he was payin wifey a compliment by calling her steak LOL.

Jackpot *dies* such an awesome ep. For many reasons lol. I won't go into them lmao.
I'm pretty sure he's teasing about calling his wife a steak.
But I guess that's sort of a compliment. Bascially saying that he wouldn't 'go out' on her.

Ah, Jackpot a classic Grissom episode. Jeans, backwards cap and beard... Oh, oh, OH, the beard :D
Haha yes, Grissom is exeptionally hot in Jackpot. Of course he's hot in all CSI episodes. But more hot in the later ones, when he has the beard *drools*

I normally don't dig guys with a beard, but William can so pull it off.
hhunter said:
Ah, Jackpot a classic Grissom episode. Jeans, backwards cap and beard... Oh, oh, OH, the beard :D

Hmm I like beardy and non beardy Griss but.... yeah the beard rocks. :D
Not just any jeans... pretty nice fitting jeans too :devil:
overall making it a damn good episode. ;)
randomness here, god i haven't been in this thread in forever
william peterson was on the CBS macy's thanksgiving day parade broadcast for like thirty seconds. his wife was with him but she quickly got out of the shot, lol. he and the broadcaster guy talked about cheerleaders (rather typical male banter about cold cheerleaders bweing a beautiful thing) and billy said he was looking forward to the shrek balloon.
the newscaster guy had a similar hat op the beret william wore in a la carte, and billy said he liked it, lol.

not much to report, but thought i'd share w/ fellow billy fans!
such a cutie pie he is for sure!!
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