William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

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Hey, u guys, what's up? I missed u! :)(two days with an awful lot of work and no time to join u seems like ages!)
Anyway, ebuzz congrats on the wetsuit pic! :devil:

Please 'spoil' me a little and make my day: was last csi epi an 'all Grissom' epi??

Monday I watched "Chaos theory" and there's a couple of cute Grissom faces I would like to share with u... :D
The Lips

I'd give anything to be ...that straw!! :p :lol:
Ebuzz Thanks for posting that pic of Billy in the wetsuit. I just love it when a man can scuba dive. Other thing you guys are trying to give me a heart attack. Here with the pix OMG. And yes that pic ebuzz posted has a very nice View. :devil:
Oh yeah- now I remember :lol: it's been a long time- thank's for showing this- two more from "THE BEAST'


How can you forget that suit. OMG that image is stuck in my head forever now. Now I can't look at the science teacher I like the same way ever again if he ever wears he's wet suit. Now I'm gonna have both guys in my head and run another flu.

Desertwind have you don't your research and found the pic of Billy asleep in HP. Cause I found it on Google. It's just that the web page won't show and the picture once you clip on it to enlarge it says forbiddin. That's not cool cause he looks so CUTE. I need my injection now.
Just finished watching Hard Promises. Now that'll get you up in the morning! Man he just oozes charm in that movies like there is no tomoorw! Only one problem, who in their right mind would pick another guy over Joey? :lol:
ebuzz- you rock- I found that sleeping Billy pic but the fan-site said "fobidden" :( so I think that is the one newflame13 was talking about- :p here's another one from that movie

can I come on the boat with you :pyou gorgeous hunk :p

and one from "SPELLBOUND"

Yeah that's the one I was talking about Desertwind. But yay it's good to someone has it. And I like that Desertwind. I posted it a couple of Comments ago.
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