William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

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just wanted to share
I just got an autographed pic of william in the mail today. i'm so excited! my first autographed pic ever, aside from a local christian band when i was like twelve!!

spectatcular, that's so awesome, can you post it?

great pic des
and i'm going to work on it
i've got another pic i wanna post, i have to try...
hopefull i'll have it up by tonite!!
;)Good for you GSRfanatic25,I send 2 pictures on august 30,still waiting :lol:
I have one already billy send in 2005 with my name on :p

Caps from"Go to hell"

My own caps
Thank's Rocky great shots, he was so calm and cool in this ep. a new enhanced/happy Grissom
first 3 episodes so far, so good!
Rocky11: Great caps! Thankx for sharing. He looks so cute.

Here a few 'Go to Hell' caps

credit goes to gsrfan.com
Great caps, Rocky and rhcp hs looks great, can you believe he's 54? those good genes ;) the bees, and his always having an explanation for everything ;) beings it's October, and Halloween coming upon us, here's one of him, and it look's like he's dressed like a 40's detective! with his buddys Gary, George and unknown girl! from 2003!

I haven't been here for a while, been sick :(

anyway, GSRfanatic yes, share your autograph of William, that would be cool.

rhcp Rocky wonderful pics ladies. He looks so cute and I love the expression on his face.

Thanks for sharing :D
Hope your feeling better hhunter that sucks :( here's one of your favorites, to make you feel all better!!!

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