William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

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not a straw hat lover :eek: but the black cap was ....
Very cute on Billy

he's still very cute, love the chin dimple :D
Some caps form "Ala Cart"

with Icky Ecklie. that great expression "Where do you get your info. about women, Conrad" :lol:
the serious stare!
the grin!
Go Grissom!
Here's a cool pic of him and how he look's now, light brown hair, with the grey fringes..& the blue eyes! very distinguished

You know that black "cap" (which is not a cap per se) made Grissom look very French -in France we call that a "béret" -I think that's what it was


I could almost imagine him on his bicycle, riding in the streets of Paris, a baguette under one arm and a newspaper under the other :D :lol:
I'm back from RL, beaten but not broken. Wow... there are so many pictures to get caught up on. You all did a wonderful job helping to keep my spirits lifted by your wonderful pics.

I thought the "A La Cart" episode was wonderful. So much Gil hotness to make me happy. It was great to see Gil's eyes twinkling with glee again...*sigh* Well, it made me very happy anyway :devil:

Here are a few of my favourite pics from A La Carte:

Taking on Ecklie

Thinking, "When did you...?"

The look of love....

BTW: If Billy gets any sexier, I'm going to spontaneously combust...
you girls are awesome.. rhcp in the bed one :lol: how can that be, when he's in mine? and gilsgal the 'look of love one" breathaking, lucky girl :p they 'sizzle' but are so classy and subtle about it! and GrissomFREAK and grissoms_gurl all fantastic.. are we nutty or in love? or both :lol:

going waaay back and his clean shaved look from "SLL" S/1


And Grissom FREAK I could imagine him on a bike, with a newspaper under his arm with his beret on! ;)and me on the back!
Very yummy, I liked that ep. at the end with Cath, he says "I like silent movies" :rolleyes: such a geek, yes dear, we know your a bit quirky! and we love it that way! More from "Ala Cart"

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