William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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*applause* good work Lemsip! Very nice bearded smiley. Woot!

He doesn't look bad without a beard, I do luff his beard though!
Exactly, he looks good both ways I just prefer him with beardness. It's that roughness, I got a thing for it. Not just on him, in general. Yum.
Woo, glad people like the smiley, mwahaha! :p I checked for sceen caps from table stakes but tis not on there, so i'm gonna search season 1. :D
Grissom and Greg are awesome together, their like a mentor and pupil, or an uncle and nephew ;) thier sooo dfferent, but respect and admire each other! and Billy's probably enjoying his summer at his favorite place watching the CUBS ;)

And I'm sure Billy will be having a beer or two :D

I remember a couple interviews I read of his, and he says in one, that when they go to the baseball, they have to have a minimum of 5 beers and 2 hotdogs :D But this was pre his health problem, so hopefully he's given up on the hotdogs! Beer is good for you though, hehe.

Also, in another interview (I think it may have been that one from the all star programme), he said his perfect sporting day was when he went to see the Bears in the afternoon, then spent 'an hour and a half sobering up', then went to see the Cubbies at night and started all over again.

'S no wonder I think he's great, he's a man after my own heart! Drinking and sport - two of my favourite things :devil:
he went to see the Bears in the afternoon, then spent 'an hour and a half sobering up', then went to see the Cubbies at night and started all over again.
My god that sounds perfect. I'm like you Gameface, Billy, beer and sport = heaven.

I'd be well happy if Nick hugged me, and even happier if I got to hug Grissom! lol.

Ok this is really wierd, I went to see Vacancy last night and I found Luke Wilson to be what I like to call, gorgeous! So, I decdied to google him and look who turned up to the party! Billy is google stalking me LOL!
awww, thanks for the pics guys! after 3 days of not visiting the boards i had a lot to catch up on but it sure made my day! i gotta say...i should visit before work so it makes my day slightly better at work....i need a new job..i wonder if grissom is hiring slaves yet? hmm..anyways. thanks again for sharing the hotness....i love everything about billy...EXCEPT that he smokes *sighs* thats just gross. but i guess we cant have everything *grins*
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