William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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grissoms_gurl said:
Well.. I'm glad we got our 'jeans' episode!! :lol: I've got this all over my desktop and room :lol:
me to :lol:
That shirt suits him down to a t. What is it with my men and thier dogs, bringing them on set!?! David Duchovny did it on X Files too.

He looks like "ima kick yo ass!" on this pic.

I did wonder who's apartment they were in. I rekon it's Grissoms, wasn't Sara's all flowery? No offence but that was butt ugly lol.
I haven't seen Bruno in action yet, but i'm sure he's outstanding. I can imagine he's a mathod actor, bet he practices being a dog all day and manages to pull it off asoundingly in that scene...lmao. Eeeee i'm wierd. Nice pic Jazzfan, he has the greatest smile.

Smiling, beareded Grissom. Perfect.
I'll ask on here, as they are pics of a sort, but Rocky *waves* and Windy (hee hee!) Where do you get those little animations from? The one fanning itself on your post, |Rocky, for example! They are fine.
BF, how do. I think they get them from other websites, I don't know one off hand but I think if you google free emoticons then you should come up with somethin somethin! Hope that helps dear.
I really like the last one desertwind or should we just call you Windy :lol:

and good question indeed. My guess is to find out how long it takes to build a MCS... or something like that
WP_RMY galdangit, loverly pic! ;)

GG He was kinda sweet in that eppy but a lil meaniepants at the end.

TL&DILA, don't you just adore my leather jacket ladies? :cool: He was so damn cool in this flick. I love swearey Billy lol.

From damn cool to cutie geek in one swift movement! ;)
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