William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

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Thank's gilsgal I love the ones with his team mate guys, he so loved them all.


Credit to the CSI MAGAZINE~
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I LOVE that last picture you posted, DW. It's just so sweet...I know everyone had a horrible time saying goodbye to Billy, but I love seeing the <3 & respect & affection between he & RDH in this picture :) Castmates & buddies forever!
Oh girl, don't even go there...I know I'd be a puddle of mush on the floor if there was a pic of Billy and a baby.
:lol: Well, how about this?

And a couple more random ones....


Sexy in Shades

I love, in that pic of Billy, LF, & RDH, how LF is just kind of standing there at a distance, realizing it's a moment between Billy & RDH.:)

Gah, I LOVE the 'Arms' pic...wouldn't you just like to be wrapped up in those?:devil:
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Gah, I LOVE the 'Arms' pic...wouldn't you just like to be wrapped up in those?:devil:

Is that a rhetorical question?;)
Of course I would LOVE to be in the center of those arms...and anywhere else he would have me. OOps...lol...that sounds...what the heck...it sounds just how I feel....:devil:

Loved your pics too. I looked for the one from "Gentle, Gentle", when Gil finds the baby on the golf course, and picks him up so reverently...and it's not in the file over at WPAP....:eek: Guess I'll have to try to cap it myself sometime...

Nice CSIz thank's he is so darn cute:p some more for you viewing pleasure~



DARK HAIR my preference:drool:

Great pics Des!!! I love the "So Sexy" one...makes me want to lick the computer screen...lol :drool:

I spent some time over at WPAP getting some of the old CSI dailies there. I don't think I've ever seen Grissom smile so much...lol. So today that's my theme....

Grissom and Nick

A Little Tongue



Little Boy Smile

Laughing with Marg

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!! :)
Thanks for sharing Gilsgal, I didn't know them !

As we are not used to see Grissom smiling and never laughing, it's fun to see.
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Thanks for sharing Gilsgal, I didn't know them !

As we are not used to see Grissom smiling and never laughing, it's fun to see.

Thanks alienor. I think some of these are out-takes from shots that they took for certain episodes but never used etc. I hadn't seen many of them myself, so it was a really nice treat to find them!

Wow, thanks for gorgeous pics DW & gilsgal...excellent choices.:thumbsup: Gosh, when that man smiles, everything seems right with the world.:adore:

Photocall Cuteness

Buy You A Drink?

Those Eyes...


Yes...when Billy smiles...*sigh*

Loved the "Hmmm" pic CSIz_4...Gil nibbling his glasses *GUH* :drool:

Here some other pics I stumbled across at the Consider Billy Page. Enjoy!!!


Billy and George

Talking with Catherine and Brass

On Mark

And a few more dailies:

Having fun

More glasses nibbling
All the photos are stunning:p thank's fans for sharing.. here's a classic cap. from 1998, with Billy and early Ecklie, [Marc Vann] Billy looks' so young and that curly hair, but Marc, look's exactly the same, did this guy ever have a full head of hair:lol: Chicago natives~

he does't start rehearsals till early June (or late may, can't recall now). Play starts previews July 3.

There is a strong Chicago association with that play he was at in LA. And I guess he could have been in LA for CSI business anyway.

One good thing about them photos - at least he looks healthy in them! Holy heck he looked like a ghost in them ones in France. Nice to see him with some colour and looking a hundred times better :)

Oh, the people with him? Russ Smith (another Chicago theatre guy) and Stephen Eich (the play's director)
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Aww, thanks for the cute photos.:luvlove: In LA huh, talk about frequent flyer miles...he's a regular globetrotter.:lol: Lookin' good!;)
Thanks for posting those pics Des. They are absolutely delicious!!!! :adore:
Billy is looking better than he did in France, that's for sure. Just wish he'd let some of his curls grow back...
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